C A p.. . eVelation.of°the A,pecalyp1e. 1t. and the Emperors lay overthrown with the Bowe, who yet feemed to be far out ofthe reach ofprivate men.- yea,by means ofone Apologie onely darted our, the enemieswere fo.repreffed even in themolt re- mote Countries, that they coulchdóe. nothing with all their affaults againft the truth. The fame Iufti,e did by his molt learned writings, ftop the monthes both oftiae ?e;Ms andof the Grecians, fo that the vi- dory ofthe trùeh was on all fides renowned. This time therefore 'be- ing the next immediatly from Ioh?,becGmmingfamous throughApolo- ie,and the joyfull fruit of the perfecution fuppreffed, is the yoyce of the Lion,that is,of thefirf Beaf; as alto that p.leafant fefth/itie,whick the truth kept fitting_on Her White Horfe with a Bowe and a Crowne. 3, And when he had opened the fecond Seale : So much for the itrlt Seale. The fecond followeth, whieli,,as touching the Lambe that openeth it,hath no new matter in it; as for the Beath, that is an- other.; namely, an axe, which had the fecond place, Chap'. 4. 7. Now this Beall, is, as we know, borne to labour, not to be com- pared to theLyon in the gloryof"conquering, yet much more noble through the praile of induring toyle; and trouble, Neither is the yoyce here fo terrible, and fo íhrill,, as was the"xoyce of the Lyon thund ring before, but' ordinary and ufuall, whence it is, that he re- porteth, that he heard the recond Beaf, laying, and yet it was filchas had his force to excitemento giveheed to the:event. 4. e"fndarotherredHorfe came órth. The fecond type is 4 red Horfe andhis Rder,who bath a great fwordgiven him : Ofthe Horfe we have fpokcn at the a. Verfe. This fiery colour noteth out War, fighting!, f areghters, blood, as in Elky, Who is this thatcometh out of Edon ,madeWet in his garments at Bcazrah ? wherefore is apparellred, and thy garments ?ire his that treadeth in winepreffer,Chap. 6gxa, 2. The 'Rider is indued Withpalter, becaufe he fhould not ad thematter. by his own will, but at the commandofanother. This :power.is.given, partly by Word, partly by f kne : by Word, there being leave óranted him to take añ'ay peace out ofthe earth ; For fo the word that 6gni fieth commonly tp-t4,- is fometimes ufed to lignifie taking allay, as Wee have obferved before, Chap. 3. .1 1. Now the earth is op- poled to heaver,' and fecing heaven in this Booknoteth out the true and holy Church, as afterwards fhall be,rpade rmanifeft, the earth contrarily fägriifieth the Wicked World, from which aeace is taken away, not from the Church. The which may yet be made more evident, out of the declaring of this power, which proceedeth_ fo fárre, as that t fetteth nwp together, one to kill another, Ff as