Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

2 i z A Pevelat:on of the Apocalyfe. C A P. 6. as thole words i%ew, That they may flay one another, butthe Church lothnot revenge it felfe upon the enemies thereof, though occafion be offered, much leffe is it carryedwith a mad fury to kill their own Brethren. But this mutual' butchery is made out of the fightings and battells between the .Hrwhew, whereby force Nations should rub upon the deftl-11'6 6ni ofothers : Wherefore here is no intreat- ingofthe perfecution of the Church, but of the tempefiuous time of wars, wherewith the wtiöle world fhóuld be fhaken, and hurryed together. The which is declared,thatit fhould be very huge by the ligne, and by the in/lrument of exercifingpower, there being a treat ftwmrd,g,iven to the Rider : The which thing came to pafle, after that Antontus Twit had ended his life ; For his fonne Marcau Aurelius, 4ntonio,Verxs, in namea'Philofoppher, indeed a grievous enemy of the truth,being blinded with ,Heathenith fuperitition,raifed a bloody perfecution againft the Chriflians. For theaffwaging whereof, the fecond Beaft lift up his voyce : For, Tatlineprefented a fecond er4pologie to the Emperor, Eufeb. Hift. Booke 4. 16. Melito, Bifhop of Sardis, and Apolonarius BifhopofHierapolis, doe the fame,pleading earneft= ly the caufeofthe Chriftians, in Bookes written to the fame Empc- rour, Eufe6. Hill. 4. 26. But the Emperor being greaterfor learn- ing then his Father, but leffe in'gcdlinefÍfe, received the defence with deafe ears. Hereupon the voyce ofthis Beafi,became the voyce of an Oxe, as which did not prevaile, is did the voyceof the Lyon before, but the Beaf ,after his lowing,did notwithfianding,endure the heavie yoke ofthe former calamity : Inf ïne himfelfe,who before was a Lyon ri} firength, but now an Oxe for patience, being flaine for Chrifts caufe, got thename-ofa Martyr, Eufeb. Hif}. Booke 4. i 6. The refit that remained, did mourne under the Croffe, nnmitigationof it being. obtained. Bat yet, howfoever this voyce prevailed not to abate the cruelty ofthe wicked ; yet it was in :Read of an alarum to advertife the faithful],: how much mifchiefe did hang over theworld, for their cruel! obfiinacy againfi the Truth, Peace fbould be taken away from menby andby, feeing it was mol equal! that thofe which refufed and rcjeeTed the E'vcrlatlinp .race,fhould'neither injoy that, nor yet this peace uponearth ; and that they who did fo greedily thirfi after innocent blood should be faciated at length with their own blood. And therefore all things are ilraightwaies fer on fire with war. The Parthiansdo now firft of all from the time ofTrajanc,revolt from theRomans. Thither gceth the 8rotker ofthe £inperer ;. being made copartner withhim in the Em- pire,