C Äp.6. ,: evelatic t oftheApocalyptic. pire,and at laf},after he hadmade a huge flaughter,he returnethhome with triumph, whoyet had but a fhort felicityof it, he being taken a- wayfuddenly by an Apoplexy, ashe fate inthe Chariot withhis Brol ther,Eaatrop.Brev.Book 8. A fhort time after,the war ofthe Marcomannes arofe.in.Bohemia, fo great,us the like hath not been in any memory, as the fame Eutro, pins faith, that it might be compared worthily with the PunickWars, becaufe it was railedby thewades, theVandals, theSarmatians,the Suevians,as well by theMarcomanes,yea,by all Barbaria,£rom Cerna- tum in Panno,da, even to themiddle part of the Gaulls. Howwofull thelateofthings was then, the fame Author Both exceedingly paint out in this manner : Surelÿ (faith he) there Was no intermiffronfrom Weapons ; anti Was did tax hot through theEaf , Illyricum, Italy, awe/ France, there Wereearthgquakes to the delradianofCities, inutodation,. ofRivers, peftilences thick and threefold, a kinde of Loess se¡oyfóme to thefield; andthat tofpeakegenerally,thereWas nothingalmof,that Gass be fpoken or thought of, Wherewith mortállmen areWont tobe confumed, Whirhdidnot vehemently Feller theWorld,Wloile Antonins Was Emperor. Thefc things, faith he; It was then a great and cruel! fwordwhich was made wet anddrunk with fo much blood; Ifany man think that war Was no flange matter to the Romans, and that it is not likely, thata matter fovulgar and ufuall is here fgnified,let himcomparethe Empire,ofthis Antonini, with that of thofe that went before him, he füall fce,that warshad ceafedby Gods providence for a long space of time before this,that fowhen thisjudgement ofGod happend,it might be made fo muchmore remarkable. Antonins the Father ruled all the world,byhis bare authority,waging nowar for the fpace of23,yeers. Likewife Sextus Aurel.Vitio. Hadrianus had peace all the time ofhis Empire,fave that he fought once only by his Deputy, Estrop. Trey. Book,' .Was it not a matter worthy of obfervation, that afterCo deep peaceoffoure and fortyyeeres,all things fhouldflameouewith a fud- den fire of wars? There is no man that feeth not that there is fo great agreeingofall things, ofthe Prophecy,-of the time ofthe event,that he cannot doubt but that the Holy Ghoft pointed at this matter alone. Tertullían tellethus;in his Apologeticum,that there Was a notable fect,- ritygrantedat length unto the Chrifl ans,by the Edá /tt of this Emperor; but this came to paffe after the end of the war with the Marcomanes, wherein hee having had experience of the fingular aid which Cod gave unto him againft his enemies at the prayers of the Chriftidns, who were fouldiers in his Army, hecould not at length, but provide F f 2 for x:13