2 i4 4 elrelation'of'tlie Apocalypfe. CÁ r`. 6. for their welfare,that had been, a means to Eve both him,and theEm- pire. And yet he was not long alive after this war, but departed out ofthis life the next yeere after his triumph. 5, And When he hadopened the third feal. The-Bcaff ofthe third Seal; is a man that excells in reafon, and experience of matters, Chapt. 4. 7. Not but the former Beath were to be thought to have this fame power and force ofreafon ; but becaufe this fhould be theprincipail thing, for which this thirdBeafttíhould be effeemed The vöyce alfo ofthis 13eaais niore;obfcurc then was thatof the. firf, the which yet did fuiflce to teach the faithfull, what revenge God would take on the world fortheir fakes. Ilooked therefore, and beholdablacke Horfe." The third type is a blacke Horfe, Whofe r7der carryeth a Alliance in his hand, being corn.. ma ided to bring_in a dearth of corne, even among the Beaft.r ; yet fo far, that it fhould irdt hurt theWineand the vyle : As touching this Horfe then,the blackpolour doth fitly agree to thefe who arehunger= bitten, whofe bodies are without blood,moifiure,and ill coloured, as in fermi. Lam. Her NataritesWere morepure then the fnow, how it their beautybecome moreblack thenblackneffe it felf,Chap.4.7,a, The eyes alfo dowax dimwithhunger, and are roveredover with dark- neffe ; as Ionathans eyes receivedlieht, When he hadput his handto his mouth, a Sam. 4:28. The.Ballssnce\vhich this rider hath in his hand; is in the Greekefuch a word,as is properly taken for ayok, ,that is,tbe tongue or beame of a ballance, uponwhich the (tales hang, but by a Synechdoche it fgnifeththe whole. An Infffúinent truly fit for fa1 mine, whencorne is not meafured, but weighed; 6. a4nd1 hearda voyce, &c. This is the voyce of th`e Ï ambé, can- verfng in the mid.ft of the Beafts, Chap t. 5. 6. whofeeyes arefeat out over all the earth, the whole adminiftrationofmatters, being de- livered over unto him. Now teeing this voyce is heard among the eeaffs, and not as commingforth from thence, but abiding there, by it is fignified, that the Church fhatl not be free from this calamity, but yet fo as it alone fhould underffand the counfell ofGod in in- Hiding this Broke. A meafüre of wheat for "a penny. Interpreters doe not agree about the certaine quantity of this meafure, forne doe give unto it three of thefe meafures , which are in En0fh,` halfe a pinte, three quarters and an halfe one Charon, and foure graines, others foure ofthem, others eight ; Hefjchiüe maketh it a meafiue con- &;iping_ food allottejj by divifien, which-in one word is commonly called