CA P.16. 4 e elation ofthe Apocalyp%. z17 Were indeed no to thofe that owed them, for they did not carry their harvefts in thither. Which words do plainly enough teaçh,that the barrennettewas very great in thole times, when as there were no harves, and therefore a it it feemeth,thofe corne-floores oftheirs were of old granted to the Chriftians, in which they might bury their dead, feeing that'in regard of the great barrennette, they were ofno ife to lay up corne in. And why fhould we not acknowledge a black¿, Horfe here, as the trueth is, When as the Sun had almoft quits loft hir light in the affembly at Vtica, andthat not by an extraordinary 6clipfe, brat being let in his full height and exaltation, as the fame Tertullian witneffeth, writing toScapula. Neither did this dearth of corne onely vexethe wicked Gentiles, but it did likewife troubla the Chr'tfiians alfo; feeingGod 1i+irl have commodities to be comimo, to the profane With the godly , and &I-commodities to be common to his people With the Wicked, that by this equall copartnerfhip, all men might have experience both o f hit lenity, andof hie fcve'ity. Tertull. in Apol. Thus therefore loth the event agree with theProphefse,punifhing the world with famine, anotherofGods fcourges, which could not be rowzed from that dead fleepof theirs, by that great fword, anclwa ftingby warres. The Iefuite will have this blsacke Honfe to be un- derftood Heretikes, though after his wonted errour, he hath no regardofthe time. For he refers thefe things to the fortieth veer ofour Lord, when MattheW wrote his Go/pcl, wheretn he pafeth. over thebounds fet by the eArngel,I will thew thee the things. that: mull be done afterwards, Chap. 4. a. Indeed there arofe many' Hereticks by meanes of that Truce, which the Church enj.oyned un- det'Commodes, as Montanus , and others ofthat fl:ampe, but feeing. the Horfe that went before, and that which fóllowes after this, note. out corporals calamities,infliccled upon'the world becaufe ofthe inju ries, andviolence offered to the trueth, it were abfard to referre this Horfe placed in the mica to another kinde,efpecially feeing the cor- fent ofthe Hiftory is fo manife[t. Neither mull we think that an. ordinary manner offamine is a lighter matter, thenthatmen be forewarnedof it. For ici the intent of the Holy Ghof;tómake_ thefe firil calamities, to beas it were pawnes to confirm the Prophefie' foliowing,wherce it is that they are called Seales,as if they wete con firmations of thematters that remain to be delivered, that fo. ' -when as the Faithfull=hadthroughlyperceived,thetritethofthee' predi i :_ ons, .which fhould _nfue in the times immediatly following., thy'' might be no leffeaffbred ofthofe things, which were tobe expefted in