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ìl efr eveiation ofthe A.pocalypFe. C A P,6. in the Taft Ages. Thefe Sealer then are as it were thofe ibree kids, three pieces of bread, a bottle of Wine , likervife a Pfaltery, a Tymbrell, a Pipe and a Harpe, WhereWith thofe men met Saul, and thereby gave him more- undoubted evidence of the pronsrfcd King- dom, r Sam. to. 3. 7. AndWhen hehad opened thefourth Seal, dheard the voice of the fourthBeall The fourth Beaft is an Eagle, boating aloft, and little regarding the things that be upon the earth, Chap. q.. 7, He goeth inno equall, rancke with the former Beaff, neither doth lieatfain to that forceof the firlf, whofe roaringdid found like Thunder. And yet he giveth a fiifFtcientcaveat to the Faithful! with his clanging cry, concerning the evill to come,whom hebidds, to Come and to fee,how _great deftrution would firaightwaies invadethe world. 8. e%indbehold paleHot-fe. The fourth-Type is a pale Horfe, whofe Rider is defcribed by his name,.his companion, and the bufzneffe committed to him. Thecolour ofthe Horfe in the Greekproperly fig- tii ieth, Green Ai thegra¿fe; fometirnes it is that dead colourofherbes . that waxe dri; whence it is fometimes forpaleneffe which is,the. hew : ofany withering and fading thing, asfear is called,becaufe it ma Jceth men pale; and fo Conft nce the Father of Conftanrine the Grear,r, was called Chlorw, becaufe ofhis paleneffe, as Zonaruss faith is the life ofDiocletian. This difeafedcolour doth very well become this, Horfe, on whole backe, Death itfelfefrterh; The Rider is declared in the next wards, wherehe thatfitteth,is ufed for,to him thatiitterh, the firft cafe for the third ; which kinde, of fpeaking is after the Hebrew, as hash been obferved, Chap. 2. 26.Though leaft any fhould think it to bee incongruous, and fo throughhis ignorance fhould im- pute a Barbarifme to the Holy writer, there be examples enough in other tongues ofthis, taken from the moil elegant Authors that are, Livie fpeakes fo, Thofe,faith he,thatWere skillfull in matters ofRely- gion, andin the commonEaW,diddeny that When tWo ordinary Confide ofthutyeere, the one haddiedby (Word, the other by difeafe, the Con- full that *as put into either oftheirroomes could call a Conncell.Wbere the firft cafe is put for the fecond , fo Saki writeth. Therefore Kings in the beginning, for that Was thefirft name of an Empire upon the earth, they diddiverflyforge of them oxercife their Wit, forge their body. Many filch fpeeches are noted by learned men, by whom it is alfo obferved,that this is amanner of writingmar familiar unto the Greciaris. .Firft there is a name given to this Rider, towit, Death. By pro- portion