CAP .6. velati.s ((theApacalyp 2t) portion whereof tamesmay be alfogiven to the former riders, fo that he thattfittath on theWhite horfemaybe-calledTruth,on the Red, warre, onthe black.e,famine. The whichI give noticeof, becaufe I fee fouie to feine (nothing fittly) the Devil' andother Riders I knownot whom. Now this Rider iscalledDeath in a peculiar and principali regard, both becaufethe Strokeofthis Seale fhould bring dettru±on more fwiftly then anyother, as alfo becaufe it (hould an- noy men with many kinds ofdeaths. The third fcourge ofGod is wont to be Peff ilence,as in Ezechiel,they fhould fall byfword,famin, pefilence, Chap. 6. z t.Which yet is not here made a Captatne ofa band, but is onely preffed into the place ofa common fouldier as we (hall fee prefently. The companion or the hand-maide rather of death ishere calledHades,commonly tranflated intoLatine Inferno;, Hell. but it were fitter to be Sepulcbrum, the Grave, which the Greeke word alto fignileth, and toought it to be underftood in this place, efpecially feeing many Saints fhould dye among the reft of whom it were wicked to thinke that they weredevoured of the Hell of the damned. Foras for that which the Iefuit holdeth, that Hell follow eth after todevoure Trajane, whom hewill have to be this Rider, we iha11 f e in the applyingof this Prophecy how fond it is; not to fpeake of hsmingling and turning all things upanddown, who calleth back this prophecy unto Trajane againe, which was now carried on beyond Severos. Afterwards power is given to this Rider, and tor her with it is it circutnfcribed in his bounds ; and polder Was given them, where foure copies do reade changing the order ofthe words, andpower Was livenhim over thefourth part of the earth to kill ;Thevulgar Latine, over thefourth part ofthe earth, reades, overfoureparts ofthe earth, by this meanes the whole world being fubdued, vnder their Tyranny againft the content of all the Greeke Copies. But it is a hainous crime to think that now after the ?'rent decree, the Latine tranflation is not framed out ofthe molt per- fedCopies : Andyet a commodiousfenfe might be drawn out ofthe words fo read, that the foure parts ofthe Earth fhouldnoteout the multitude ofthe Countries, and regions wherein this de&rut ion did affailemen, even 'as alto thefourth part of the earth noteth out the multitudeof menwho Ihouldperifh in thisutrer deftruFtion. Thepower is determined in that foure-fold kind of defhoying, whichDeath fittingon the Horfe ufethas her minifters.Thatfart band hathwars and battels for their leaders,whofe weapon isafiord. The fecond army is lead by Want ofvic`ttuals.The third tt Pefiilence,for thAt G g is