CAP.64 4 elation of`the Apòca ypfi°`. 211 procuredby filch fines as thefe. This Eagle, I lay flying fo much thehigher, by howmuch lower hedebafed himfelfe, doth evidently (hew in that which he bath written again[' Demetrian the Hea- then, that the principali caufeof all thole evils,wherewith the world wasafflicted, was for that the gentiles did fó unreafonably perfecute the innocent worfhippers of thrift ; whom the world after their manner through envy charged, to be the caufeof thecommon cala- mities,but that holy man wiped away thole flanders,and did demon- ftrate what was the true Fountainofall thofè evils. Neither were his words falle and frivolous. God fttaight-wayesapproving them tobe found and true by fending into theworld manifold forts of horrible del rutlion. Decius himfeifwas 'wallowed up in agaffe ofa uag- mire, not calling hiinfelf into prefent danger and death for his coun- tyes fake after the example of the ancient Decii, but as it were de- fcending quicke into Hell to the juil terrour of all bloudy Tyrants. Gall',. and Volufian the Emperors didprefentlyafter feele the wrath- full handof God upon them, who were not made famous with any monumentsof theads they did, but only with the ruine theybrought uponall mankind. For while thefe menreigned, the fword flew an infinitenumber. For when as the Scythians, after that Decius was dead,having impofed a yokeof tribute upon theRomans,the firft that ever was impofed on them, the Which howmuch blondit colt, ( any may ealily conjel ure) forthwith changed that they had formerly a- greedunto ,andmade incurfons upon them,drave away the cartel Which they had taken in prey, rufhedinupon them oftentimes with a mightie armyboth by land andfea,wafledDardania,Thracia,Thefaly,Alace- donia,and greece,fome ofthem annoyed Afsa,together with the Wattincr anddeftroyingofmany cities on every fide.After whole enemies make infurredion alfo.TheParthians befregedboth the coun- tries of Armenia, and,pierced into the boWells ofSyria . Which evils while Callus and Ifolufian prepare to withftand, they are both thine by the fouldiers. e/Em<lianus anEmperor of three months lafting,was created into their place,and flaine by the faine men. ITalerianus was takenalive and made captive to theenemies, and becamea footftoole for Saporir when he mounted upon his horfe. The Sword therefore plaidhis part grievoufly,fufferingnot any part of the world fcarcely tobe free from flaughters.The Famine gave occafion both to De»ìse. trian to flander the Chri(tians,and to Cyprian todefend them. What, with he, (fpeaking_to Demetrian) dolt thoumarvel'andcomplain if in this obftinacy,andcontemptofyours,theearth befull ofWeed', andfil- Gg 2 thinefTe,