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124 f Revelation ofthe Apocalypfe. CAP .6. There is no Beaf belonging to the f ft feale, by whole voyce 7ohn is invited to fee. Neither is ehat done but even for this caufe, be- caufe this fhould paffe away clofely, there being no publique and foletnne cric made, by which to flirre up men to obferve the event, as there was in the former ; neither indeed doth the Hiftory relate, that any man undertooke any fuch labour, in which regard fuch an office might be worthilygiven him. Betides this Seale conffispart. ly in reporting of things, partly in recording an event to come that isof fuch a nature as is wont to flipby knoll without perfeverance. Chiefly Geeing we are fo dilpofed that things adverfe and trouble- foine Rieke falter in our minds, then things that be profperous. WhereforePeeing the Scales areconformable to the events, it is mar- yell, that here is no type propounded as to the which therewas no event toanfwer it. I faWfoules under the Altar. The fifth Seale are t.eSouks lying under the Altar in this verfe, requiring vengeance upon theirenemies, And carrying away an anfiVer, verf. r i. Which three mem- bers dobelong to the three times, paft, prefene, and to come.The foules lying under the Altar, do molt elegantly declare by that which fol- loweth that which went before, towit, what was the [late of the churchduring the time of' theformer Seals, &with how great cru- eltyof men it was vexed. We have indeed heard of the Truth ouer- comming,we have alfo had it reported that Warfamine and peflilence With their adherents did feaze vpon and deftroy al things, but there was no mention as yet made, how it fared in the ineane time with the worihippersof Chrifl; though their combate might have been conjcc1ured by the villory oftruthand by thofe calamities which did pelter the world, it might be conceived, that there was great wrong offered to the Godly for which their enemies were fo fharpely puni- fhed. But now the matter is made manifel by this complaint ofthe Martyrs that were [laine, that is to fay, that an infinit deale ofthe blond of men adoring the Sonne of God was flied from the time wherein John wrote, untillthe Empire of Gaiienus was ended,whi- ther the former Seales havebrought us on. And indeed where are not thofe horrible maffacres that were made all this fpace of time much and often fpoken of ? Trajan,Hadrian,AntoniumVersa, Maximinm, Severos, Decius, and the refl., being not fo muchEmperors, as cruel/ murderers, have befpotted every Story filthilywith innocent bloud. But I that muff follow after brevity, may not rehearfe feverally thofe innumerable flaughters oftheirs. Though who were able to make re- port