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s s.f vi Revelationofthe Apocalypfe. CAP.4. theaf/litiions of Chrifl forhis &ody, ColvPG i.x4,1SIow thefe Wantshe fpeakes of are conformities, not fatüfaftions either of dignity or of merit. For whatfoever remainethas yet to be fuffered by anyof the Saints, that is after a fort wanting to the affli Lionsof C u R i s r, who efleemeth all our calamities to behisowne. Thefe things are common to all the faithfull, who have all their place alike under the eXltar, but yet they belong chiefely to the Martyrs, whofe fufferings are more notable then any other, for which caufe this hiding place isgiven to them. Seeing then, to lye under thea/Ilrar is to be taken in this fence after the manner of (peaking ufed in the Scriptures, how itnpiouflydoth the Jefuit wrefl theft things to that idolatrous rite which the Papifls ufe, in dedicating 'Temples? For í® it is their manner tobury thebodiesor the Reliques ofMartyrs under theAltars that are in thofe Churches, which theyconfcrat to their, and then to call that Church by the name of that Martyr, whofe Re- liquesare buried there ;,as ifthere were more regard to be hadofthe Reliques under theAltar, then of himwhom they will have to be facrthced upon the Altar. What fhould the Holy Ghoit have refpee`l here to this euftome, by which fo exceeding great injury is offered bothunto Chri/l as alfo to his Holy Martyrs ? To Chrift, becaufe he is fpoiledof his honour, and tin art downe?beneath his Servants. To the Martyrs, in that they arc mad. the Spoilersof his glory, for defence whereofthey have fpiid their bloud. Neitherdo the yefniter think it enough to abufe tilde words to the patronage of their Idola- try, nnlefi they do alto pluck up and fpoile that which was well fot down byoth;rs. Bernard in his third Sermon ofthe Saints, hath from this place taught, that the Holy joules beingfit free from this prí/on of the body, do not pre/ently enjoy their con/umneate happínefe, but do ex- pea theirfullfelicity at the !aft 7 dgement, rejoycing in the mean time With agreat andmighty comfort. I difputenot here how finali need- City there is for this úo&rine to he drawn forth of this place,hisjudge- merit feemeth to be true, and agreeing with the refl oftheScriptures. for fo David fpeaks, I/hall be fatisfiedWith thine Image When I ¡hall aWak , Pfala7. t g. Neither didPaul lookferhis CroWne before that day inWhich it ¡hall hegiven to all that have loved the glorious appea- ring of Chrift, 2 Tim.4. 8. AndGod would not, that the ancientpeo- ple lhouldbe confummate Without us, much lef 'e is it likely that one of our efientiallparts thould obtain abfolute felicity without the other, Heb. t r. 4o. They that teach that the foules fevered from the bodies have a cleare vifionofGod, in whom, as ina glaffe, they behold all things