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CAP .6. ,/fZevelatiamoftheApocalypfe. 2.27 things paft, prefent, and to come,Which they teach more boldly then 6e- comethfobcr Chr:fians : what reafon cat, they give, why theSoules under the Altar, not contenting thernlelves with this vifion ofGod alone do inquire ofthe timeo fth is vengeance, as being ignorant of it? Many fuckthings as this ought ro keepe in the yefuits from fight- ing againft a true opinion. But they fava, that unleffe that they con- ferred a full happineíl'eupon the foulesdeparted, placed it in this cleer vifion ofGod, their Invocation ofSaints wouldbe undone, fo that therecould beno reafongiven why we (hold now implore their help,feeing there wasno fuch cuftomebefore Chrifts coming.But ht it beenough thus in a word to have touchd their fraudulentdealing. Becaufe of the Word of God. Namely, which they profef1ed and preached molt conitantly, as Chap, 1.9. And for the Teftimony which they defended, in the Greek it is, Which they had, perhaps in this Elite , that they Were accounted to be Chrifiians by the tefiimony ofothers, as a Tim.3.7.NoWWe mujl havemood teflimony alfofrom thofe that are without : As if thofe words, for the wordof Goddid belong to thofe that incurred the hatred ofthewicked by their pro- feßfni but thofe words, the te/limony-which they had, did belong to thofe who were made .manifelt what they wereby thejudgement of others. ao. Now they cried With a great voyce. Hitherto reacheth the firft Member, whichhath opened unto us the eftate of the timepaft. Now the prefent (lateof the Church under Galienus, is declared by their cry. Becaufe of the tedioufneffeofthis long lafting trouble, a releafe is at length required , feeing that now they have indured enough, and more then enough. Now this cry teacheth the way of Gods juftice, that cannot indure to let unjuft fhedding ofblood goe unpunifhed , after which manner the blood ofAbel isfad to have cryed,Gen.4. a o.But howgreat is the long fuffering of ourGod,who is firet flirted up to vengeance with acry, before he doe prepare and addreffe himfelfe unto it ofhisowne accord ? But did theSaintsput up clolely the fòrmer injuries ; and did they not cryout before this fifthSeale ? Out ofdoubt they did alwayes groane under the croffe, but now efpecially is theremention made of their cry , feeing now the time was not far off; when they fhould be delivered out of their troubles. For God is wont, when he will bellow ought upon his fervants,to excite ardent prayers,both that theymight make more reckoning of the goodwhich theyhave fo attained , as alfo that they might !carne, how, much God will bellow upon H h us