228' i evelation ofthe Apocalypfe. CAP . 6. us in his fatherly love, when we call upon himwithupright hearts prepared in a fpeciall manner. HoW long Lord ; In the Greek the Nominative isput for the Vo- . cative cafe,-0 Lord, which art holy ma true. They doe fet out GoD- with fuch titles as whereby they may ftabliih and kindle their faith, as we ought to do in all right invocation. For becaufe he is Holy, he cannot fuller the wicked workes ofthe world topaffe unrevenged, chiefly feeing he is truealfo, and hath made fo large promifes touch- ing the bleífednefïeofhis children. Doefl thou not judge and revenge ? Judgement belongs to the knowledge ofa matter,vengeance to the executing ofit being judg- ed. Both whichdo fgnife indeed a revenge upon him that doth the wrong, yet I think theydoefpecially lignifiea deliverance ofthe in- nocent party, whereupon it is oftenpur in con(iru&ion with a pre- poCtion, as in Luke, Save mefrom my adverfary,Chap. t S.3 .Where the widow loth notfo.much delire evill tobe done to her Adverfa- ry, as her owndeliverance, So David, t Sam, 24. z 3. And God/hall revenge me upon thee ; fo doth Trem. turne it, but I had rather have it thus. AndGod/hall deliver mefrom thee, and fo do theSeptuagint tranflate it. For he Both not curie Saul to his face. And thus the thing which the foules do beg inhiantly, is this , namely , that God would at length after fo long a combate, deliver his Church out of thepower and tyranny oftheir enemies, and that he would not fuf- fer it to be alwayesoppreffed with theyokeof the wicked.That this isthe filmoftheir requef},we mayknow it by that which theyobtai- ned.That which they ffrive inprayer fòr,is not denied unto them,but it is differred for acertaine time , which beingonce expired , they lhouldcarry away the thing which they had foeagerly defired, as it followeth prefently a z. Then Were there long white robesgiven to every oneofthem. Montantu leaves out the long white robes, andreadeth thus, And it wasgiven to them that theyshouldref . Other books reade in the fin- gular number, And there was given to them a long ìhbite robe, fo doth Tretasalfo,and the Vulgar, find there weregiven to themWhite robes rt.piece.The anfwer made to the foulesconfilisofa ligne and a word. By bothwhich is declared what (hold be the condition ofthe Saints immediately following. Long Robes aregiven fora fire, beinggar- ments which are hangingdown to the lowell partsofthe feet: fit in- deed to hide whatfoever deformity is in the body, as Cyrus in Xeno- phon faithofthe longgown,that it retried to cover whatfoever defe- Rive