230 *relationofthe Apocalypfe. CAP. 64 ly honeuredthemfelves, loved very dearly,c' efleeirxedto be mollfaith- full unto them, u thatfame Dorotheus,( Gregariuss.Tfae Governours lihewifeofthe Churcheshadno le(fe experienceoftheir courteous deal- ing, meetings WereheldWith moftgreat numbers and.concurfeofmen, . the wontedhouls didnot receive t' emultitude, but they wereforced to buildneW, andmoreample ones.. Certainly the whole narrationdoth breed out a cheek fulneffe, that was Mort fitto expreffe thefe white robes, neither is there needofany other cómentary upon thefe white garments,and that reif which the holy are bidden to take and to keep holy. Now this felicity did abide inviolable, till Dioclefan troubled all; forth-s was the only combate, wcl1 was.remaining for their fel low-fervants,which being once paffed.over, they fhould enjoy their wifhed reff melt plentifully, neither fhould any rageof Tyrantsvex, them afterwards, accordingto the manner offormer times. 12 Then Ibeheldwhenbe opened the fixt Seale, andbeholdagreat earthquake. Neither hath thefsxthSealeany Beaff, which makes at- tention, feeing men weremade fufficiently attentive by theanfwer that was given to thefouler under the former feale. For it was faid thatthere was one incounter more remaining, for them. And indeed it might eafly beunderflood, that the end which fhould be put to thefe publik flaughters,was not now far off,£eeing al degrees ofmen did incline with fo great kindneffe to favour the truth.Now thisPeale hath both fomething proper unto it,whichwehave in the reff of this Chapter, as alto bmehirìg that is common, which is handled in the 7 Chapter. That is the laft combateofthe Scales, the firft member wherof containethan amplification ofanheavy Tragedy,& ofall the former calamities, veri. t 2,13,14. The fecond containeth ajoyfull fbutting up of the fame with a fübduing andoverthrow ofthe ene- miesand a happy compofingofall troubles,ver. x 5,16,47. As touch- ing the firlt,e1retas reporteth out ofthe worksofAndres,thatmany faid,that this earthyuahe here is a tranAtionfro theperfcutions,which were brought upon the Churchfor Chrifls caufe unto the time ofAn- tichrifh. And that thus the Scripturesare wont to call any notable. changeby the nameofan earthquake,even as,when it is faid,yet will I once more'bake the earth, Heb.t 2.26. He sneaneth the changingof thofe things which are fhaken,as S. Paul declares. And in the old Teffamenr, the goingofthe ifratlites forthofEgypt, iscalled a mo- vingofthe earrh,as Pfa1,68.9. The earthWas moved,the leaven; alto. drópt at theprefence of God. TheInterpreters indeed have herein hit . the naile on the head, fave that living perhaps under Antichrift they looked asyet for him to come, whom they knew not to come long