13l ;fl Yebelation ofthe Apocalypfe. CAP.6. which théfe ancient Writers, fa w,whomAretar fpakeoFright now, whowould have thefe things tobe underftood of thepaflag to Anti. cbrilt.This Blasknefj'e ofthe Sunne,and that other perturbation of the Creatures here fpoken of, decypher untous that horribleand univer- fall P,aughter, wherewith thole wicked wretches D oclefian, and Maximian,endevoured to cut down the Church from the very roots. For we lull fee that in this Book the Sunne and . Moone do conftant- lynotaout the chiefe ornaments ofthe Congregation ofthe faithfull, fo as that fignifieth the Scriptures, this fignifieth that glory ofpiety feene and admiredof all men, wherein the Saints, doe glitter by meases ofthat light which they have borrowed from the Scriptures, this Seale theweth that both thefe are to bemiferably defiledand foi- led in this common calamity. Which thing Eufebiuc recordeth fo to have fallenout, Hie. lib. 8. 2. For the' Empereurs in the nine- teenthyeare of their reigne,diddecree in their publique Proclamati- ons, that the Booksof the holy Scriptures Should be call into the fire in the midit ofthe Market place; Wefaw (faith Eufebius) With thefe very eyes, the holy, anddivine Scriptures to perifh in the fire Whither they were thrown, and in thefameplace a little after. The ICings Pro- clamations flew upanddowne onall fides, in Which commandmcnt was given that the ScripturesShould beabolifbed With fire ; Thus thisSun clad infackcloth, doth not only in generall lignifie, that the publique joy fhould be turned into extreme griefe, but it doth efpecially paint out that barbarous crueltyof ,theirs, with which they raged againft the molt holyScriptures. Neithercould itbe, but that the fountainof light being thus obfcured, the Moone, which hathher light onlybor. rowed from thence, Should be turned into the darkifh colour ofblond, as it commonly fareth with it, when the intercourfe betweene the Sunneand it is flopped up. 13. Andthe Stars,fell fromheavenupon the tarth.The Stars were the Miniflers and Pa/iours of the Churches, Chap. r. io: In which lignification theyarehere ufed, as they bealto afterwards. Many of thefe Should revolt from the Truth for feare, which is fignified by theirfallfromHeaven to Earth. And that only after many perils and fundry calamities, to which they fhould give way, being by long earneft ftriving overcome, but thatat the very firft entring of the lift they Should fall _off like greene figges, that is, with littleadoe, or noneat all, even at the.firft rumour ofthedanger ;-For a fig-tree be- fore it be ripe, dothmost eafily lofe her fruit, and loth not flay till it feele the forceof a tempeft, but makes an aborfement, if I mayfo fpeake,