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CAP.6. ATevelationofthe Apocalypse. 233 fpeatce, with any never fo light and gentle a wind ; as Pliny faith, Lib. z 6.26. Which matter the Holy Ghofl fore-tels in fo elegant a fimilitude, that the faithfull being forewarned might not be difcou- raged by fo eafie a fall of many. Eufebius teacheth, that the matter fell out fo altogether as it was here foretold. Fornot longafter that fiat Proclamation, touchingthe demob fhingofChurches,andplaces for Gods worfhip, and for burning the Scriptures, came forth ano- ther, to attach the Governours ofthe Churches, and to compel! them to facrifete to Idols. Here manyholdingout manfully,ftooped not for all the torments that couldbe infidted, but infinite others, being before hand made like blocks with feare, became feeble and out ofheart at the fira afl'aulr, as he faith : Lib.8. z. Wherebyhe declarethhow rea- dily they fell and yeelded. r4. And Heavendepartedaway. Heavendothevery where in this Booke, lignifie the Vniverfall Church, that is ofthe purefl note, both becaufe that reali heavenlhall be at !aft the habitation which is prepa- red for it, as alfo becaufe in the meane time that is fo reprefented by this, that it can haveno more exprelfe image than this is upon earth. Thefe things therefore do teach that the Calamity d,'dnotflay itfelfe in the Paflours alone, but that the Wholeface of the Church was cove- red over withfoblacke darknefe, that itdidfcarce appeare any Where. Let Eufebius beperufèd, Lib. 8. i. Wherehe bewaileth the mifera- ble defolation thereof borrowing words to lament withall from the Lamentationsof 7eremy, Chap.z. I, z. Alfo out of the Pfal. 89.39, &c. But yet this defolation fhould beonly like the folding of a fcroll together ; A Booke is not defaced, when it is rolled together, but re mainsas grear,as it was before,it is indeed made kite eafie to be fen, being thrift up into a far more narrow roome, fo nothing fhould be diminilhed from the founds and integrity ofthe Chrc,-ch, howfoever herglory might feeme tobe extinguilhed. Now this fimilitudeof a Booke folded together, is taken from the ancient cuftome whereby Bookeswerenot compalqed into haves, bet were wound about like little wheeles,whercupònthey werecalled volumes. In the fame fectfe it is fàid, Hebr.2.22. Thou fl altfold them like a garment, that is, thou shalt defaceall their beauty, and make them like to a garment wrapped up, whofe elegancie and comliaeffe can not be beheld. In the Hebrue it is, Thou Jhalt change them,Pfaim. 102. 27. which theSeptuagint tranflate fignifi.cantly, Thou jhhalt roll them together,feeing the Pfalnrift fpeakethof fuch a change as this, which is altogether contrary to the nature ofthe Heavens. For Hea- ven