234 ,íI Rotelataenofthe Apocalypfe. CAP .6. yen isin Hebrue called Rachiah, a thing extended, fpread out like a lineen cloth,or a plate that iskid open. Now that which is rolled to- gether ceafeth to be flared open ; fo the Church is of fucha nature, that,that it isfit to be difperfed thorow al Nations,and to impart un- to them light,warmth;aud life it felt, as the heavendoth to the earth, but now for a time it fhould be wrapped up,neither fhould any ofher comluteffeoutwardly appear. Where was then the vifible Majefty of Rome in themean time when the heaven departed away, like a Booke yoked together ? But they that have referved thefe things for the lath timesofall, did very well and wifely provide for thtmfilves againft thefechancesand changes,but howuntowardly, and againft the hair, we thall íhew at the fìxteenth verfe. Andall the Hile ,and the,Ifles.Therewas nothing fo flrong that this tempefl did not fhake,and break down, nothingwas fo farremoved, whither it reached nor,the Mountains lignifie that,the ¡Iles thir..It is a greattempeft which dothfcatter abroad even the little hillocks, or which doth ruffle terribly, evn in places neare adjoyning to it, but that muti needsbring an utter overthrow, whichcaftethdowne, and drives away theMosrntaines alto, and that doth not flay his force in thecontinent, but flyeth over the Sea to the Ifief. eeufebiars defcribing this whirle-wind, began at Nicomedia, andfollowed it at the heeles thorow all Syria, f.gypr,Cappadocia,Celicia,and Phrygia,lib.8. but being, as it were,wearyupon the way, and tired out with the Narra- tion.of fo doleful' a matter, he touched, not our Europe, and yet the Countries nearer hands, Thracia, Iraly,Spain, France, yea, our Ifle of Britany, that was more remote, yeelded no leffe llore of Martyrs, though the moderation of(organs madeal things go the more mild- ly forward in ch. fe Regions. Theeight Books, of Eufeb. ecclef. Hilf. Both at large explainethefe three verfe.r. i S. And the Kintrs ofthe earth,with the Peeres.Hithertoofthe ex- aggeration,now followeth the laft atlofthis tragedy,joyntly together with the former troubles.For in the midfi ofthis boilingand raging calamity, Chrift fhould put forth his divinepower from heaven, and like one wakened out of a fleep, fhould fuddenly allay the tempeft,as once he was awakned by his Difciples.Firft the Kings and Nobles of theearth fhould file away atthe tight oFhim, and fhould hide them- felves in molt dole hidden caves anddens. What other thing was it that fo forced Dioélefan, and Maximian Herculius, that when they were both of them at the higheft top of honour, andwhen - they did burne molt exceedingly with a delire to rafe out the name of