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C A r.6. (evelátion ofthe Apocalypfe: 235 of Chriftians, they ingizld fuddenly put themfelves out oftheir Em- pire,and returne to a private life, after they had continued their rage unti ll the fecond yeere, Eofebius fai th,that it Wasfuch a Was never heard of to have come to pafeat an, time,Book 8.13. And Ignet- tiut doth not without caufe cry our, That it is a marvellous matter, land to this time onk, oWne, that both thefe Emperors Amidgiveover their Empire,and retorne to aprivate life,and that oftheir oVene accord, being not opprefedWith oldace, or With the di f colty andgreatnelfeof matters they tooke in hand. Eufebiue makes the caufe thereofto be a Phrenfie. NicephoruM madneffe and rage,arifing from theece,becaufe they faw themfelves to rake finch hard labour in vaine for the routing outof the Chriflians. But they touched not the truecaufe,they fhould have learnt from this place, where we finde it tobe onely this. The Lamb accounting himfelfto be theDeliverer ofhis Church,that was miferably wafted, did prick and wound their hearts inwardly and privily,with the confcience of their wickedneffe,and the fear ofGods vengeance ; which he compelled thefemen even againft their wills to be thus ftrangely modeft. The matter is manifefl by Maximinia- nus,who after that the fling ofhis confcience began to wax dull, and without edge, repented flreight of that he had done, and tryed all wayes that poiTiblÿ he could, to recover the kingdome that he had given over. ç o volerius Maximian, the other Emperors, who fuc- ceeded this in the Empire, and in his cruelty againfl theChriftians, was fubdued by thefame Lamb,with a horrible difeafe, and made to recant, whpfe example you.may fee in Eareb Hiff. Booke 18. 17. Maximinianus alfe being made Cffar in the Eaft by Galeriur,didin [pite of his heart acbnoWlede Chrifi to be King, andgavefreepower to his worfhippers to live according to his Precepts and Ordinances, Eofeb. Booke 9. 9, i o. Maxeeetiue the Tyrant of Rome being fmitrenwith the fareof the fame Lamb, fained himfelfe to be a Chri/tian for a time. Sabimee,and the other Deputies of the Provinces following the authorityof the Cafars, and the Augu/Ie,delîred likewife towin the Chrif1ians with gentleneffe,and fo to hide themfelves from thewrath ofthe Lamb; fo great feare ofthe Lamb poffeffed men ofevery de- gree, that every man thoughthimrelfe happy, , that could getany hi- ding place, wherein he might lurke fafe from him. .6. And theyfail to the Mauntains.This was anargument oftheir extreme defperation, when as they thought any evill light incompa- .rifon of the wrath ofthis Lámb, from which they would fave them- felves,'with incurring any other dammage, how grievous foever. I i Dioclef.+an