2,56 Revelationofthe Apoca1ypfe. C A P. b. Diode/Jan being tent for by Contantines letters , drank poifor, and fo made himfelf away for fears. A/faximiaR ended his life with a halter, and hanged himfelf. Galerius died ofa mat noifome and filthy difeafe ; Maxi/whims prevented the violent death which was ready to be procured unto him by Lucinitis, by difpatching him,- felfaway wilfully. Ma.xentizu ran into the bottome of Tyberius to hidehimfelfe there ; Thus did theTyrants deffreby fundry meanes to be hidden from the fight of the Lambe.- Many there are who think that thefe things are to be referred to the /ail day ofJudgement, and that becaufe of the like manner offpeaking,when that is entreat- ed of. But no man can deny that thefe kinds of fpeeches are -every where ufed by the `Prophets to expreffc other calamities, betides the laff. And they.IJiall come, faith Efay, into the holes of the rocks, and intothe clifts aftheduflforthe terrour of the Lorr+, 2.19. So likewife Hofea, eAnd they fhallfayto the hills cover resyand to the mountains fags on tar,ro. S.Whereas notwithftanding the captivity of B.;bylen is fpo- ken ofonly in that place. The likeneffe therefore offpeech is oflittle force to effec9li that which they intend; Betides the .confederation of the time cannot by any means bear thisInterpretation. For feeing the fpaceof theTrumpets and Vials is of long continuance, as we will thew in thole things thatfollow after, it mutt needs be thisfixt Seale is far offfrom the day ofIudgernent, efpecially feeing the firft Trumpet thall not begin to found,before the fèventhSeal be unleaded. This one thing maybe enough toconfute that interpretation, as be- ing repugnant to the Truth. 17. or that day is come. To wit, Wherein the Lambe Jhould do thatfor thefoules Which they reyuefled, verf. I r. That is, Wherin be fbouldpunijb the enemies according to their deferts, breakoff'theyoke of Tyrants, takeaWay their power ofraging cruelly With pu like Terfe- cutions,, fet his Servants at liberty, and not fuffer them to be any more vexedfor any enemy of this kinde, as it is afterwards, Chap. ao.z. There was then no power or force tohinder the Church from riling up out ofthe gulfe of troubles, and from triumphing and raigning in.the world, even as the experience of thofe fame times did teach abundantly. Now therefore we fee a marvellous Prophecy of fix Se.tler, wherein the matters ofprincipall moment have been (hewed, that were from the time that this Revelationwas fet forth,to the time that Conflantine began to Raigne; and that truly in fo lively figures, and fuch an evident refernblanee of things, that were to be acted, that though there will be fome perhaps who will accule this inter- pretation