Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

z3 8` qevelatior of the Apòcalyfe. C A P. 7. 8 Ofthe tribe ofJofeph were fealed twelve thoufind : of the tribe of Benjamin were fealed twelve thou- fand. g After thefe things I beheld, and loe a great multi- tude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds,and people,and tongues,ftood before theThrone, and before the L AM B, clothed with long white robes, having Palmes in their hands. r o And theycryed witha loud voice,faying,Salvation comethofour GOD, that fittethupon the Throne, and from the Lambe. r z And all the A NGEL S ftood round about the THRONE, andabout the E L DERS,and the foure Beans, and they fell before the Throne on their faces, and worfhipped God. 12 Saying, Amen, praife, and glory, and wifdome,and thankes,and power and might bee unto our God for ever- more, Amen. s 3 Then fpake to me one of thofe ELDERS, fay- ing unto me, who are thefe, and whence came they,which are arayed with long white robes 14 And I laid unto him, L ORD, thou knoweft. And he Paid untome , Thcfe are they whichcome out ofgreat affliction : and have wafhed their long robes, and have made them white in the bloodof the Lambe. 15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and fervehim day and nightin hisTemple, and he that fitteth on the thronewill proteét them as in a bowre. i6 They !hall hunger no more, neither thirft any more, neither fhall the Sun light on them., neither any heate. i 7 For the Lambe which is in the midit of the throne, , !hall feed them, and lead them unto the lively fountaines ofwaters and God (hall wipe away all, teares from theireyes. The