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C A P.7..J evelation o, f the'Apocalyp%: 239 The Logicall Refolution. Hitherto We havefpoken of thatWhich is proper to thefìxth Seal. That Which iscommon follcWeth, toWit, a certain general' por- traiture ofthe Whole Church, that lhould be onto the laft end thereof. The Which thins is diflinguilbed into tWo times. The firft time is that Wherein the true Dorf ippersare defined in their certain number, Who are calledby afpeciall name,finch as befealed ; the occa fionof Whore fealing are thefour efLngels, that be ready to feW rigour Without re- gard ofany perron, ftandint- for this purpofe at thefour corners of the earth-, : that they might flop the pa(rage of all meanesfor falvation, verf i. And--then the Mini/ler v/ed in fealinQ them is fpok.en of Who exempteth theeleilfrom themultitude of thole that perifh, corn- minpfrom the Eaf With fi;iipower , and no le/fc couragioufly execu- ting-hisoffice that is impofedon him, by forbidding with agreat voice, that they Amid go on in,,their çourfe, tiff he had fealedup a certain number of men that Were to be excepted , Verf. 2. 3: Now howgreat the number is of tholeWhich arefealed, se declared ingeneral' verf: 4. In fpeciall, out OfWhat Tribes, andhoWmany out of eachTribc,verf. y. 6.7.8. And this time belongs chiefly to the Trumpets. Thefecond time is that, Wherein an indefinite, and an innumerable multitude is contained. The citizens whereof are defcribed partly by thole .things Which Ioan. could undcrftand by hintfelfe, namely by things that Were fern , Whence they Were, Where they made their flay, And hoW they Were adorned, verf 9. Lik.?Wife by a praifing of God that Was heard, both of thef Citizens themfelves ,verf. io. efts alto ofthe Angellthatgave aJfent unto it, verf. i i. That didtmag- nifie God more fully for their falls, verf. 12. Tartly, they are d f ribedby the Inflrullionof an Elder , for Whom Way i madeby a queftion made to Iohn, verf. 13. eAlnd by a confeJon of his igno- rance in the beginning of the verf folloWing , and then the full Do5lrine is laid down , Which teacheth that they came out of great affliilion, but that they are noW happyby the imputation of theriQh- teoufneffe of theLambe, verf. 14. Which thing is teftifiedboth by their confitant care: of Worfhipping God , and again by Gods protrtlion over them , verf: 15. Asalto by their everlaflinQfreedome fromall evil's, verf. i 6; find lagof all by the fruition ofgood things, verf.' 17 . And thisfecond time isfar thegreatefl part belonging tea the Viáls. THE