2 a ,1 evelatzon ofthe ApocaIypfs. C AP.7. THE EXPOSITION. ' A Fter that Ifia foure Angels. This whole Chapter belongs to thefixt Seale, wherein a new common Type is propoundedof things that are to be done hereafter. The former was common to all the three periods, l,hap. 4. This dothonely comprehend the two latter, namely the Trumpets and the Vialr. For the Holy Ghoi lovetk to fet certain commonportraitures ofmatters before our eyes ever & anon, for perfpicuíties fake, and for the folaceof the Saints, both that things might by this meaner be made more evident, as alfo that the iflite being beheld a far off, might refreth our minds oppreffed with griefe. Now Peeing that after that laft AS of the formercalamities, which was fpoken of in the end of the former Chapter, the feaventh Seale fhould bring in troubles of a diverfe kind, before he commeth todeclare them, he placeth this Table as it were in openview, in ,which we diligently beholding the Imageof the Holy Church that is to be afterwards, might know certainly that it fhould never be extinguifhed, and taken out of the world, howfoever horrible tempefts that arofe, might feeme to !hake and throw downe all things to the ground. This purpofe of the Holy Ghoft being well weighed inminde, will deliver us from that great Confufion, where- by the Interpreters arewont to jumble all things together, and by that mcanes tomake the molt wife diltributer oftimes, the authorof an incombrance whereout aman can not rid himfelfe, which if any where elfe, is efpecially avoided in this Booke, wherein it thall be made manifeft, that the Holy Ghoft is not one that loveth or breedeth diforder and confufion. But that he alone is the principali Author of all right, and wife difpofing ofmatters. FoureAngels, Thefe fou re e. 4ngels are not thofe that (hall come in the laf} time, that fhall be a little before the end ofthe world; For the endeavour of thefe e/fngeli to repreffe the winde, goeth fome- what before the fealing it felfe, as the next words doe make plaine. Now thefe that are fealed mutt raigne for a thoufand yeares upon the earth, and thofe not commingneare the end by many Ages; As we will thew, God ajfîffing,at the wo. Chap. the 4. verfe. But it grie- vethme to contend fo often With this ?efuiticall monfer; to bee thort then, ifevery verfe almoft of this Booke confutenot this fond device, let it havewhat authority it can come by. Betides thefe are not good eífngels, feeing that which they goe about to doe, tendeth to thede- ftruetion ofPonies, rather then Bodies. Certainly the Prohibition Both not wholly takeaway from thempower to hurt, but reftraineth them onely