CA P. 7. 1Pevelationof the ApocalypCe. 4 t onely for a time, till the Sealing was finithed ; which it is plaine to have beendone,before that theTrumpetsfound.Wherefore they mil intogeth.r with the Trumpet.c,being in readineffe to bring in evil,and being onely hindered by the ftay of the Sealing, as footle ns.this was once finithed, they would eagerly fly upon that frotie=4which they' kept themfelves backe agair.ft their wills. Therefore they doe caufe thofe foure evils , which are denounced by the foure Trum- pets, and they are the difmall and pernicious workers of fo heavy an Event. They may be declared who they are by their names out Of thofe Trumpets, fo that the frft may bee called Contrition, the re-; cond, Ambition,the third Hen-fie, the fourth Warre. There foure An- gels befieged the foure corners ofthe earth, each ofthem being in a readineffe to bring in out of their Rations, that Harme which is fpo- kenofin thenext words. For as foone as fome peaceable condition began toThew it felfe, after that Dioclej,an and the reft of the Ty- rantswere driven away, ftraightway did the Biflops begin to be fet on fire with fpitefuíl diflentions among themfelves.What did notCon- f antine the great ailay to doe that he might quench the flame as it a- rote up, who called a Synod at Rome, and commanded Miltiades, and Marcao,to determine the cafe about a contention againft Caci lia. And when the Synod was not of power enough to decide the controver[e,he fet Aurelius the 73i/hop of Syracufa over thebufineffe, whomhe commanded to goe to Arelate, together with the reft ofhis colleagues, and after the matter was onceagaine difcuffed, to make peace between the parties that difagreed. The copies ofthe Letters of Con/If/mine himfelfè about this matter are to be feene iri Ettfeb: Booke to. 5. Antichrifion ambition Was borne in the Church in the times. o f the Apofles, fo that we cannot thinke the was too yong now toplay her parr. AndnoW (faith Paul) What hinderethyee 1`now, that he Jbould be revealed in his time,for noW the Myftery ofIniquity Wor- ked', 2 Thefl: 2.6. And indeed a man would fcarce beleeve , that thofe proud brags of the chaire of Rome, with which the Decretall Epifles are fluffed, were not forgedby menof latter time, andafter- wards falfely afcribed to the ancient Bithops of Rome, they bee fo impudent, and vaine : if that Firmilianus had not credibly avouched, that there are twoEpiftles at leaft for the greateft parry of each of thofeBit-hops, whofe names they make a- Phew of. For fpeaking of Stephantu then Bilhop ofRome, he faith : He that fo boateth of the place of his Bifyopricke, and f riveth to prove that he holdeth the fuccef- fonofTeter, upon Whom thefoundations ofthe Church are placed, &c: Thus