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242 A (ebelation ofthe Apocalypfe. C AP.-7 . Thus he fheweth abundantly, how the Bifhops of that time were given to boafting. Among the Epiftles ofCyprian, Epift. 75. The fame feafon was famous by the Originali of the Arianherefie, which we faid to be the third Angell. And the barbaroufneffe of thofe that cameout of the North,which had ofold yoked the Tenant, did not reft quietly in thefe times, as wemay fee in Eufeb. writing on the life of Conftantine, Booke 4. And though it had little or no proofs for all the flirre it kept, yet it wanted no will todifturbe all, that fo we may the moreeafily fee the readineffe of thefoure Angelis ; and they did fo divide the world among themfelves, thatcontention came bluft ring infrom the Eafiz, Ambitionfrom the Weft, Herefie from the South, Warfrom the North. The foure princinall coafts of the world being by this meanes fet upon, and troubled, -fo that the blafts ofvi tall breath were quite ftopt up from comming upon the earth, as it (hall be made more plaine in his due place. Holding the foure Winds of the earth. We have feen the Angels and theirftandings ; their Enterprife, is to take away the wind from the earth ; The foure Winds ofthe earth, faith John, whereas yet there is but one wind innature, but that one is diverfe, according to there- gions whence it bloweth. Now this is not a wind properly taken ; feeingno filch calamity as this happened at any time, though there have now paffed many ages, lince this Prophecie was made. And yet if it were a proper one, how fhould not the (topping of it hurt as well thofe that are fealed as the Reprobate, feeing they dwell to- gether one with another ? I underftand therefore bywind, the force and power ofthe Holy ghoft, whichChrift comparethto the wind, loh. 3. 8. TheWind (faith he) bloWeth Whither it Will: fo' is every one borne of the Holy Ghofíz. For as of old, that confuted Chaos, and that feed ofthis world ofours, could not otherwife.confift,but ingquickened and refrefhed by the Spirit Whichmoveth itfelfe above the Waters, Gen. r. 2. So neither doth this earth, thelea, thefe trees here fpoken of feel any vitali efficacie in themfelves,unleffe that fan- c`tifying wind doe fit upon them, out ofwhole breathing they may draw their life and foule. It isnot indeed in the power of the Crea- ture, to repreffe the force of the heavenlySpirit, yet feeing they hin- der the truth,which is the inflrument whereby it is conveyed,it may worthily be laid, that the paffages and pores are Phut up, by which it flaould breath to our commodity, That the Windshould not bloW upon the earth, &c. Now they are numbred up, from whom the Angels would have thut up the wind, This