244 4 evelatton of the Apocalyfe. C A P. 7. from Ierufalem, that is, He returned thence, and left off to befiege ir, 2 Kings I a.. i 8. But it is well joyned with the rilingof theSunne. Becaufe the Sun from his rifing, feemeth to afcend, till it bath come to the midft of Heaven. After that he hath declared the firft occa- fion ofSealing, nowhe defcribes the Minifter,by whom the Sealing is made ; whom both the confiderationof the time, and all the cir- cumftances do prove to be Conftantine theGreat. This is he that fuc- ceeded in the Empire, after that the Lamb had thruft out Dioclefa,e and the refs ofthofe Idolatrous Tyrants.Now he afcended from the Eaft, being one that came forth from the Eafterne parts to take the Empire uponhim. For when hewas a youngman, he was a fouldier id pay in Syria under Diocletian; but after that his vertue and va- lour hadgot him fo much envie,that he was oftenput indanger ofhis life by privie confpiracy and treachery;he was compelled to get him- fel f away by flight as fwiftly as he could from the Eaft, and to goe with fixed into Britany,unto his Father. So faith Eufebius,on the life. ofConfiant. Orat.i. He procuredh4 fafetby flight. Zenarue. faith, that he was given to Galerius for an Hoftage whom when he law that he grew hatefull through envie,: and did perceive himfelfeof purpofe expofed to danger in the war with theSarmatian, and was againe commanded for the fame purpofe to fight with a Lyon, both Whichdangers he efcapedhappily, at length (faith he)that he fledaway to,his Father, and did withall avoid the danger by this meaner, and did enjoy his Fathers Empire, the chieffeatewhereofhe afterwards placed at Bitantium. Therefore whether we refpe& his firft re- turne out of the Eaft, or we underfrand, thofe Proclamations as touching the worship of the true God by Chrift, which after he was ftabliihed in his Empire, did fly abroad from thence through all the Romane World, the Hifcory Both very well agree with the prediction, but the former of thefefeem tocome neerer to the mean- ing of the Holy Ghoft, becaufe of thofe things that follow. Having the Seale of the living God ; That is, both himfelfe being endued with thetrue knowledge ofGod, and having chiefe authori- ty to.propagate it to others,whom,while,he provoked to embrace the truthby his owneexample, and earnefi care, he is laid to Peale them With the Seale of the living God, and to make them Gods peculiar people, let at liberty from fcrving the Devil!.. He isfaidto cry With a great voyce,beingone thai advanced the truth by his Ediils which he fet forth, and fo removed far away to his uttermoft,all that which did binder the inlarging thereof. Here preff.th for a time appoir ed-be- fore