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C A P.7. A'Tevelation ofthe Apocalypse. 245 fore of God thofe foure furies, which we heard to beprepared to doe mifchiefe, verfe I. He bridled the ambitious pride ofothers, with his owne majefticall carriage : how greatly did he labour to plucke up all contentions by the roots ; who counted nothing more ho- nourable, thento make peace between the Bifhops that difagreed ? Moreover, in the very Councel of Nice, he cak the fupplications into the fire, that were given him by the Bifhops, wherein they one accufed another, onely faying thus as he cafe them in : Chrif commands that he Jhould forgive his brother, who defireth to obtaine pardon : Socrat. Booke I. 7. With which moderation, though he could not pluck up the root of bitterneffe from contentious men, yet he kept the buds from breaking forth fo plentifully, as other - wife they would. As for the fury of the Arian herefse, he bound it With thole chaines of Trap, fe, that Were hammeredout in the Nicene Councel, as Euagrius fpeakes, Booke I. a. He overthrew and van- quifhed the Sarmarians and Gothes, and all the Scythian N.,6_ztion in a manner, and that in many battels, fo as they dura never after- wards attempt any thing for a long while; This was that voyce, which called backe theAngels from their enterprife, till that was fi= niíhed, which fhould make for the good ofthe Elea. 3. Saying, hurt not the earth, &c. till We havefealed.. The Adverb Till,belongeth to Time,for the molt part; yet fometimes it is an Ad- verb ofPlace,as hefollowedafter them till hefuppofed they muff needs befafe, Xenoph. Cyrop. 5. But what doth this later agree better here, then the meaning fhould be this ; he made them range them- felves within certaine Pet bounds wherein to doe harme, and kept them fromtouching theborders ofthegodly? Ifthey fhould have ab- Rainedfrom doing rnifchiefe, till all men had been fealed, it feemeth they fhouldhave ceafed for many Ages, much more beyond the time ofConftantine. They who are faid to be fealed in the fifth Trumpet, Chap.9.4. were not yet borne when Coniantine raigned, much leflo they ofwhom mention is made, chap. 14. I. which things feeme to make againftthe fignification ofTime;But yet that ofthePlace goeth nothing currantly : For it is read'no where, that all the Elea were gathered together, and fhut up in foure one Region, as the Ifraelites were ofold in Gofhen,where they fhould be exempted from the com- mon evils. It remaineth therefore,thatwe underftand this place by a Figure,whereby a part is put for the whole;That fo the words,till wè havefealed, fhould be as if he had faid, till We have laid thofefoun- eiatienr, Whereby the Flea that arenew alive, Amid be made Gods K k 2 peculiar