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Z.4íá , RePel4tionófthe Apaca1ypf-e. C A P. 7. ants having a manse, as it Were, fet upon them,, the ?Print Whereoffhóuldremaineunto thepoferity by acontinued foci-lion. And fo he may be Paid to teale all, whowas only the fiat and principall agent in fealing, Now he fealed them, by letting downe a platforme ofDoarine unto the Elea, chiefly in the Count-el of Nice, where flee tooke order that the integrity of the Truth fhouid be fenced againft the fraud of Arius, and other perverfe men, to the intent that the faithfull might acknowledge one true God, and his onely, eternall. and co-effentiall Sonne le'na Chrif#, in whom they fhould place all thehope of their falvation; which afterwards, Chap. 14.1. is laid, to have the name of the Lambe, and ofthe Father, Writtenon theirforeheads, left, perhaps, Ionic Iefuitemight dreame,that here the figge of the Croft: is ,fpoken of. Befides,we muff obferve,thatfealing belongs alwayes toafelt among many. For itcuts fhort a deale of la bour,to leave the greateft number ofmen without any marke, and to diftinguith the fmaller number with forme figne, who are tobe taken out from the multitude. Thefe things therefore doe teaches, that howfoev r the Chur. h, while Conitantine raigned, did outwardly flourish in exceedinggreat glory, yet in the meane while it hadgreat penury of true godly men. Which thing we ought to remember di-, that we may underffInd tho'c things the more eafily, which are fpoken more largely touching this marter,in the repeating ofthis felfe-fametimeChaps. 11. 1, 2. and 12. 6. &c. In theirforeheads. "fhe true worshippers are figned in theirfore- beads,as making thew openly of their faith. Fer With the mouth is con- fefonmade to falvatior, Rom. i o, z o. Antic hrift takes it in as good part,if his bond-flaves thal( receive his mark in their hand, the which as occafion ferveth, theymay tither cover or difcover, keep doleor ' open, Chap. 13. 16. For he lets his adherents have the favour to tile what cozenage they l:ft, fo it may helpe to amplifie his Kingdome any whit. 4. And Iheardthe number of themWhich Were fealed So much for the caufe of fealing; nowhe cometh to the generali number of thofe that are fealed. Aretaa will haveit that by thisnumber ofa hun- dredfoamyandfotere thoufand,is fignified,that every one ofthe Apeftles did multiply their Talents twelve times. Truly the diligence ofthat holy man is much to becommended,who thought nothing fo fmall in this Booke, that was not worthy of fearching into; and the reafon wherof it were not lawfull foberly to feekour, fo the Analogic, of foundDo-ine were al.wayes preferved. But yet, while doe more attentive