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CAF.7. diRoeift,tiokof tl?e Apocalypfe. 2 .7 attentively confider in mymitidethis whole fecond Period, towhich. thefe fealed ones belong, it feemeth to me, that the Holy Ghofi hach molt divinely chofen out chat number, which may fet before oureyes a lively Image ofthe Churchof that time. It is a very lon{r number of an exceeding length, but of a breadth that is a thoufan :d times le_Ire in proportion : teaching,as it feemeth tomee,and as bathbeen found true in:expatience,thatthe prefent trueChurch fhould be for the (pace of time,exeecdinó thin, narroW, obfcasre, anditarce perceivable, feach as is . a long figure after this proportion in breadth and that the dignity of it is not at all to be efteerned according to the prefent amplencfle thereof, but according to the length of it only, that is, the long indu- ringand continuanceof time, in the long race whereof the Elect fhould be gathered in very great number. For example fake ; let there be a Geometrical! Figure made,, withiines fet one over againlf another,whofe (homer fide is one foot long,divided into twelve parts, the other a thoufand feet long,whofe void placecontaineth this num- ber : now this Figure will feeme to be ofno latitude almoft, but the fides of it being dif-joy ned in fo little a fpace, will make a certaine thew of lie es that fall together one within another : Such fhould this Church be, whofe longer fide fhould he made of the number of twelve thoufand that fhould arife out of eachTaibe : the thou ter fide should confift of that (mall number of twelve, which is the number of the Tribes. Ihofe that be learned, and godly, will eafily perceive what I meant, and if any thing (hall be wantingin my conje Lure, they will rather adde to of their owne, that fo it may make a more direc`ì ayme, then blame me for doing my belt indeavotir. Certainely the confent of the Hiftory is 1 great, that it makes my conjeture more thenprobable. But let thereof of the Brethren judge of it, to whofe judgement I fubmit this and all things elfe that I write; but yet this whole number was not fealed at once and togetherward, at the time wherein Con- ftantine lived upon earth, but by a Figure that puts the part for the whole, the entire number is fet downe here, whereas this marke was fet 'upon the fitti: fruits thereof onely, and the reef were to be fealed in the proceffeof time, every one according to the Age he lived in, as we laid upon the former verfe. Out ofall the Tribe's ofthe Children ofIfrael. Are thefe then Ie*es by birth, or elfe the Gentiles, Who Were lfraelites by adoption ? as Rom.2. 28. For heisnet a le*, Who is a It*outwardlyandopenlyAnt lie ie,ìoke item' Witbin3irdfecretly. And,yee kayo then, that they Which are