24ó fl revelation ofthe Apocalypfe. C A r. 7: arc ofthe faith,are thefops of Abraham,Ga1.3.7. And againe, peace Jbali be upon them, andmercy, and upon the IJrael of Cod; Gal. 6. 16. The name therefore is common as well to the Gentiles, as the ?ewes. And indeed the refpec that muff be had to the time,will not fuffer ir, that naturalllewesíhould be meant in this place. This fealing was begun ftraightway after that Diocletian Tyrannie was fainted , as wehave iiiewed. eXndpower ¡given to thisnumber alone to learne that newfang, Chap.' 3.3. Which was not proper to the Iewes in thole times, nor ever (hall be : But if this that I affirme, as touch- ing the time,will not be granted unto me , and thisPealing is to bee expected a little before the end of the world, as the lefuit would have it; how is it then, that after this fealing of the Iewes,as he jud- geth, another infinit number Jha1l come to the Church,as we are taught in this Chapter,verf.9. "Whereas the Iewes are not to be called be- fore thefulneffeof the Gentiles Aallcome in , Rom.i 1.25. Betides, thefefealedones only (hall be able to learn the long, but if the kWes only that be .fealed,what time foever it (hall be done in,what will be- come of your moft holy Rome, and of ChrifsVicar, who (hall have no placeamong thefe fealed ones?But let us let free this moft bleffed Father from this fear.This mannerof defcribing the ancient Church, containethboth the people one with another,fo that all they afwel of the Gentiles as ofthelews,who love the fncere truth heartily,are rec- koned up in this number of thofe that are fealed.And indeed thewri- ters do record fomeAddition ofthe IeWs to be made unto theChurch in thefe times, but be they Iews or no,theycannot beIfraelites only, from the time that the flop of the partition wall was broken down. 5. Out of the tribe of luda twelve thoufand. Hithertoof the Uni- vetfall fumme ; now the particular companies are reckoned up, out of which the whole is made ; In the which thefe things are to bee obferved ; Firft, that there a an equal/number taken out of every Tribe ; For God enclines towards all the Elect with an equall good will,neither (hall any one complaine juftly , that others have beene more regarded then he. Secondly, that fome of the old Tribes are paffed by,and that newones are fubfthtuted intotheir places. For there isno mentibn,either of Dan,or els of Ephraim, but Levi and Iofeph fill up their roome. Some there are who alledge this caute, why Dan is omitted, becaufe Antichrift fhould fpring out of that Tribc.What hindereth then, but that there should be two Anti- shrifls,feeing thename ofEphraim is alfòleft out?The diftinguifhing of theTribes indeed would have been moft profitable for the de- fcrying