C A P.7. A evelátion oftheAp©calyple. 249 fcrying of Antichriff,and doubclefs Clod would have preferved it in- tire,to give his Churchwarning by it offuch a matter, if he would have had this enemy to be defcended out ofthis Nation. But the true caufe why thefe Tribes are puffed by, feemeth.to be this, becaufe the Tribe ofDandid ofold go over to the Gentiles,a nd Ephraim was the ringleader unto the refs of rending the Kingdom , andoffetting up that ftrange worfhip , Wherewith the ten Tribes didrevoltfromGod. For Ieroboamwas anEphrathite, i King.' .-26. Wherefore ncithor did he make mention of this Tribe,but he rifeth up to thefirft Patri- ark ,teaching us thereby, that the namesofthe wickfdJbalbe razedout ofthe Boole catalogueofthe livinr,as wehave obferved upon 6.3.5. Third * we obferve, thathere is no order kept in the rehearfaIl ofthe Tribes, either oftheir Orisinall, or oftheir dignity. And yet their names are not heaped up togetherat randome, fikt, the leaves ofSybil, that fly upanddown Within aholloW rock at the maving ofa foft Wind,though perhaps we [hall finde ir, tobe moil dificult to fearchout the reafon why they are fo pioced. Yet let us makea triall whit we can do, uniting in the helpe of God. TheRegions feeme tome to be no- ted out,from out ofwhich God fhould gather his Elea, and fhould fever them from the filthy ones ofthe world,duringiall this time,that the Church fhould lie hid in perfecution ; and that after the fame or- der ofplaces,in which the Tribes ofIfrael did of old keep their feats in the promifedland; that is, in this manner, That Iudafhouldfgnifie the Southerne part ofthe Church: Reuben atdcad,theE'afterne : Afher and Nephtaline the Wrtherne, and the wefternefetting of the Sun in the Summer : Manaffe, partly the Eafterne, partly the wefterne,a-s Who dwelt on thisfide 7ordan,andbeyond : Simeon andLevi that part that isfcattered upand down over all the refit confufedly : Iffachar andZa- bulen, theNorth-Eaft,that is, the Eaftern-rif:ng of thefun in Summer: lofeph andBenjamin the middle regions. For we !hall fee that fuch a kinde ofa roving progreffe as it were of the Church, hath continued from the death ofConfhantine. For in the firft times, the pureOE part thereoffeemeth tohave been inAfrick, as it were in theTribe of Iu- da. Which.was then molt free ofall the parts of the world,. from the Herefie of_Arius, though Egypt that borders upon it had hatch- ed it forth, and an°infinite deal offilthy corruption had in the mean time overflowed the reft of the world. Now this integrity endured from the time ofConft: till the invafionof theVanclals: Then `Reuben &Gad fuccéeded. Forwhen the Barbarians overwhelmed the whole Eaf# & South,the whole hope that was left, dt the face ofthe Church did