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C A P.7. ,/fA velatíonofthe Apóca1ypCe. 2,5 of the South, neither in the extremity of the North,but in a middle place, which was given themamid{ their brethren. Thefe things do I run through in a fewwords,rather poynting at the matter, then handliríg it thro:rghly ; but I know they that have any clear infight into the Hiftory, will admire and reverence the wonderfull wifdome of God together withme. 9. After that Ilooked, andbeholdag e reat company, c. Wee have already fpoken of thofe that were fealed,and contained in a certaine n uiaber,the indefinite multitude,can neither be numbred, neither is it faid to befealgid. Not that any ofthe elect ,and belonging to the king- dome of Cod, is in the meane time unfealed : For this is necefary to every one of thefaithful', Eph.1.13.2 Tit.2,19. As if any entrance lay open for any man into heaven,withoutfaith, as a certaine great man of bleffedmemory,doth feem to interpret it of a very good mind, but notfo warily,and truly as was meet , but becaufe there fhonld be no needof any hidden marke of diftindion, whereby they fhould be di-fcerned from others , in regard of the exceedinggreat plentyof thofe,that fhouldprofefl'e Chrift openly, and fincerely.For Sealing is of the hidden Church lurking in perfecution, when as the confufèd multitude of fuperftitious and wicked men carry the fway, wherein there are a few goodones known and cared for ofGod,Ezech.9.2,3,4 But where the godly worfhippers are in efiimation enough for their number,& great company,there is no ufe of this foaling. Thefe things the rfore do teach, that after the Church had bin oppreffed with dark- nefs for a time,it fhonld at length rife forth of it again,and- come into the light, furnifhed with exceeding great multitudes oftrueChrifti- ans,who should embrace the truth among all the Gentiles, & fhould make profeffionof it couragioully. Now this more fruitfull harveft began about the yeer which time the fealing was left off.Not that this infinite rnultitude,had his being at once,and-of a fudden,but becaufe the firft fruits of them were then borne, which fhonld at length yeeld this huge company that could not benumbred,by means of a continued increafe , as we will chew in the proper place. Out of all Nations.Not by tribes as before,ot t offome feveral coun- tries,but out ofal countries,one withanother,Germany,FrAnce,Brita- ny,Italy,&c. Forhe alludeth to the ancient manner of the church. As logas the time ofSealing remained,the elect werebut a few,as the',- raelites were ofold,while they only were the peculiar peopleofGod, among all the Nations of the world, but after that time was expired, then the trueChriftians came flocking in greater number,as the anci- LI ent