Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

2 52 A evelation of the Apocalyfe. C `A P. ent people of God was alfo inñritly increafed, when the Gentiles were joyned unto the Chu_rch. This repairing ofit indeed (liould be like to the firft calling of the Gentiles, even as we know it Came to paffe after the wet/den/es , an1. the AIbinsenfes , when mangy learned and faithfulf men arose up every where in the world, who pleading the caufe of the Truth, more freely then before was ívonridid gather together many woríhippers of true Godlineffe. And theyflood before tkeg-krone. Being gathered into the Church, and truly acknowledging Chrift, as Chap.4.3.1.. &c.. Clothed ti'ish long White Garments, fee Chap.3.4. and 6. i r. efdnd palms in their handy. Which cannot ftoop under any weight, A fit enfigne for them, whodóe at length put forth , and lift up their head,in fpight ofal their enemies.Thefe are they that lhould ,get the victory ofeifntichrifl , which is afterwards calledgettin_ the viEloryof theBeaff,and ofhis liivage,and ofhis marke,/'h. r 5. z. fay this one word, loth he intimate the combate and triumphof thofe times. io. e/fnd they cryed 13vith a loudvoice. In the Greek it is,and they crying,where the verbe Were,is to be undcrftoocl,the Participleall() is put colledUvely, with the noune that fignifieth'a multitude, as before the Participle /landing was put. The exceedinggreat ado iration of Góds goodneílc in restoring his Church, Ihould draw forrhsa crying and fpeaking loud from the Saints for very joy, as who could not fa- tisfie themfelves inexureffing this infinitemercy of God by an ordi- nary manner of fpeaking. . And yet this famecry noteth out an their undaunted profeüionof theTruth , which durfl fcarce mutter in former Ages, but at length it fhould defpife their enemies , and should enjoy a full liberty to fpeáke their minds. Wee and our fa- thers have feenc this thing perfornmed with our eyes. There i,s no man that bath tasted of true piety, brit he giveth thanks to Godfrom his heart,for the reftoringof the light ofthe truth in`tcfe Taft times. And though that Antichri/h of Róme doe forme and ghafh his teeth at ir,weceafe not to magnifie thegreat name.ofgodfreelyand cheer- fully, fo that the whole world rrngeth with the voices of the Saints. And why fhould we not like to Conqúcrors_ cry out with gladlome hearts, Peeing we havepalmes in our hanks; and we have the necks of otir enemies fubdued under our feet by the graceof God ? God grant, that we may alwayes magnifie himwith Psych prayfes, as his fo great kindneffe deferveth at our hands , left by our fmall account that wee Make .of fo infinite grace of his wee doe pull upon our felves fore rufüll calarni;ty, whereWith the joy of our tritimph íhould