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C A P.7. ,A eyelation ofthe Apocalypfe. 253 fhould be turned into our forrow,fhame,and confufion. I 1. And all the Angels flood. See Chap. 5. r t. The ancient ,lad- fomeneffe of the Church (hall come. about again at which the Angels (hall rejoyce;both they thenfelves making a confent together , with the joy lull acclamation of the Saints,and as alfoprayfingGod by than. feives for their fakes. t 2, AndpoWer,and might.Thatis,let thepraife ofhispoliter andmifkt be (riven him , forCod should fhevv forth marvellous power in deli- vering his Church.The Saints indeed do arpah r,but.the victory is obtaincdby the power of God alone.How indulgent is ourGod,who evil have it to be his labor in deflroying the enemies, Sc our triumph. 13. Thefe whoare Grayed in long White Vex. Hitherto bath this company been defcribed by fuch things aswere fenfble,now hecom- eth to a more full imtruc`fion by coxnmrsnin(r With the Elder. Andhee ticik convincethyohn of his ignorance, to the intent that the know- ledge which is gotten might be the. more acceprable,teachingwith all that the faithfull people,whofe perfon kb; Both now fuffaine, fhould Lie as ignorfirt of theTruth of this,type , when the time of perfor- ming, itjhQuid come, as Iohn \ as in this place, till they. be ¡nil tufted 6y t'hejearnedMinifters,after that fort as Iohn washere by the elder. But;yetit íhali appeare out of thofe things that follow,that the elder did not aske sine quefl:ion, as touching the whole innurnerabk multi- tude , but touchoag,fome certaine kind that-was comprehended in that great concourfe. Whonotwithfkanding are all,alike apparelled, and are called all by one name , becaufe they fftall cleave together among rhemfelves , both in their confenting in one truth,as alto in a connexion of times,that doenearly toucheach other,and (hall be alfo -copartesiers inane and the fame gl aiy, , i4. Thou k.0`.hefl. As if he (liquid fay,.l kroW not,thotiknoWejt. - Wherefore this is not that famecómparty,which Iehn faw lying under theeßltar ,Chap .6.g. &c. For there Iohn underftood that they Were Paine for theWord of God,neither had he need to be newly inf}rueted; but it is a new army ofthe Godlv,which byhis ignorance, he decic- .redthat it fhopld be unknown to the wórld , that bath not the leaf fufpicion thereof. Thefeare they that cane out of great stribnlat(on. The Elder inqui- red two`things,whatthey Were,ind Whence they came,Iohn,knew nei- jther. of the(ethings;the Eldcr,thereforePreach th hiiv,buc yee anfwve- , ringonly tintoone of rheirl,, tvb,enfe t,hq çvne;whiçh notwith- 1 anding-flro id äifo make lcnoi91 the Mr* rikeoftfelvs.=t was indeeda LI a great