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Z54 /icvelettioìzofthe Apocalyp1e. C A P.7. a great afriicton which the Church fuffered under Antichrif all that time, wherein the faithfull were knvwne by that marksalone Which Wa,r fet upon them, and nor then oneft, but force ages after alfo, as it (hall be made rnanifeft afterwards. And yet I thinke that this is not undeiftood in this lace, but that which is calledgreat inanex- traordinary manner, as oeingnioft grievous ofall other,that ever had been from the creation of the world. Namely, that which A1ofes fpeaks of in his Song in thefewords : For afire it kndh-d in myWrath, Which lhall borne Unto the bottomeof thegrave, and it' all consume the earth, and the incrcafe thereof, and it ¡"hall fet the foundations of the monntaines on fire. Vpon thofe that are. confirmed with famine, and eatenup Witha burning Bile, and With a moll bitter pefiilenee, I Will fend the teeth of Beafis alfo, With the vcnome of Serpents creeping in the dufl,thefWordlhall devoureWithout,ondfeare in their priviechambers, as Well the young man as the Virgin, thefuckling With the manof gray hairs, Deut. 32. a '2. &c. Thereevils did Moles prophefie of in his Song, that fhould come upon the Lewes, becaufe of their departing a- way from God. The which words,though they ftrike a certaine ter- ror, even 'with the very reciting of them, yet they fcarce touch the leaf" part of thofe calamities,wherwith this miferable Nation hath been broken in pieces for thefe thoufand fixhundred yeeres untill -this day,which times I doubt not but Mofes hath pointedout in thofe words,that I may thus by the way give notice ofmy opinion herein : The ancient Iewes,'who killed the Lordoflife, and embrued their hands with the blood of the flpoffles, who can reckon up how many 'and great evils they indured in the deffruétionoftheir City ? There is no record that fpeaketh of fo horrible a (laughter made at any time. The enemy himfelf could not refrain from weeping, when -he fàw filch uüufuall maffacres, beyond the favageneffe ofany war. A man wouldhave thought that the whole Nation had been quite abo- liftied at this time chiefly, when as thofe that efcaped that deftrudi- -on,were fold to be bondflavrs,were caft to the gildBeals, weremade -the mockingjocks ofthe Theaters ; and to conclude,were not delive- 'red fromdeath, but referved for hither torment. It feeined indeed to have revived a few yeeres after, but onely to indure new ca- lamities, as in the Fable, theheart of Prometheus, When it Was, eaten op, Was refforeal again , ever and anon. For Hadrian killing up his people againe moft miferably, forbad them the ufe oftheir native foir'e,andfcattered them abroad into all the coa#isofthe world. From that time they roveup and down difperfed,like Vagabonds through- out