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CA P . 7. AÇe'elatio)l'of the ApocalypII. 255 dut the world,exiled from the ayre,and foile oftheir native Country, without having either manor God tobe their\Kind, to Whom it Was not permittedtolet a foot in their oWne native Country,not having the very priviledge offtraneers; that I may fpeak in the words ofTrr'ertullian in his Apologeticall Oration. There was never any calamity of any people, either fo fharp for the kinde of the punifhment, or offuch long continuance for length of time,there was never any fonotable a fight ofan Angry God,of fo fearful! a patterne of his eternal! wrath. Neither yet fhould their af$ietior, be Idle at that time when as God fhould give ;hem an iflueout of fo long milcry. At that time, (fait). Danie1)When as rheum(' oftroublefhhall be /tech as never 1+,a ('nce it be- elan to be a nationunto that /came time. The which we will Phew one day more clearly, ifGod will, that it is to be underf}oodof that Taft (harpaifaulr, that (hall be made againft the ?eWes, before thefull re- ftoringofthat Nation. Therefore,whether we refpeft eitherehe p re- fentcarting offofthe IeWes from being Cods people,or that calamity that11411 be uponthem,when they !hall come into favour again with God ; this great a f fliîlion is proper to the 7CWCS, who together with the remainders of the gentiles, that (hall reviveout the tyrannyof- Anriehrif, and thole that (hall then firft ofall open their eyes to fee the truth, fhall make that great company, which noman could num- ber, verfe 9. Thefeare confirmed by that felicity, which followeth in the next words : which belongs to this prelent life upon earth,not . to that which is to come in the heavens, whereofthere (hall be no found fruition, before that there be one fheeepfold made, when the Eleet /ewes fhall be called to make one Chriftian people with the Gentiles, as we willfhew at the 2t. and 22. Chapters, Out of which it is now evident, feeing that indefinite number con- fifleth partly of the Gentiles, 'partly of the;,kWes, whole calling . ought to be expected long after that Sealing, which is fpoken of before, that thofe fealed ones. were not Lewes. Befides, found peace, and all full felicity shall follow after the, calling_of the IeWes, as-is declared briefly in the next words, but more largely, Chapter 21. and 22. But after the Sealing was ended, there re- mained a great deale of great affli Lion behinde, all which things !hall be made 'more cleare in the Treatife following. e4nd they walled their Robes. Being at length converted to Chrift by faith, and being clothed with the imputationof his righe teoufneffe and hohneffe alone. Verle 15. Therefore theyarebefore the Throne, as before, verfe 9. Being