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"156 i Telatron ofthe Apocalypfe. C A r:7. Being joy eri unto the Church, and gathered together into the Af fembly ofthe Faithful]. Day andnight. That is, w ithout ceafing ; For then fhall ai their departingsfromGod have an end,and they (hall cleave untoCod conftantly even unto the laft end ofall things. InhisTemple. And yet there (hall beno Temple there,Chap.2 I.22. But in that place the abólifhingofthe Ceremonies is underftood, as the which they fhall require no more to worfhip God withall. Here. weare Pilgrimes as yet from the Lord upon earth, where wehave need ofmeanes tohelp us to worfhip him,of which there fha!l be no ufe at all inHeaven. a6. They (hall not hunger. There fhall nothing be wanting unto them,neither Thal any calamity afflict them,which is fignified by hun- ger and thiift.Moreover,all the caufes ofcalamities (halbe drivenfar away, the SunGall notfcorch them, nei her fhall there be any burning heat and drought, thatfhall briny in afcarcity ; the whole frame ofthe Creatures fhall confpire to promote the felicity of the holy. people. Here is a tafte given of thofe things ina few words, which are de- claredafterwardsmore largely. 17. Becaufe the Lamb, Who is in the mid. of the Throne dothfeed them; Now is the caufe of the former felicity related, to the feverall parts whereof it is agreeably diftributed; fo as thofe words, he(hall feedthem, anfwer to that, they(hall not hunger; thole words, he ,¡Sall lead them to the livelyfountains of Waters, refpec`t that thirft, which he Paid fhould be no longer indured Thofe words, God /Tull Wipe away all teares, have refpea to, the heat ofthe Sunne, Which hepromifeth,(ball be no more trouble(omeunto them afterwardf. From theireyes. That is, the teares, which trickle downe from their eyes. 16lotatanus reads , from out oftheir eyes that is, the teares, which do, as it were, featthemfefvesin their eyes, as if God would leave nopower ofweepingby drying up their eyes. Ifay faith, the Tearesfrom allfaces, Chapt. a5. 8. Thus then is the Common Type during the Trumpets and Vigils ; .that is, even to the laft tonfumma- tion of the world. About the beginning and ptoceeding of the Trumpets, the number of the eles fhould be (ealed,about'the end of them there fhould be a more joyful! and plentiful( multitude more freely and openly profeflìngthe truth, which afterwards increasing dailyunder the Vials, should at .length have their brethren of the IeWes joyned unto them, when as there fhould be at length a full happineffe, fogreatascanbelooked for upon earth, 'ivhich(Ball be never