z 5,8 ,/ Roelationofthe Apocalypfe. C A P. 8.. fea, the living things, Ifay, dyed, and the thirdpart of the 11Rps weredeftroyed. r o Then the third Angel blew, and a great llar fell from heaven , burning as a torch and it fell into the third part ofthe rivers , and into the fountaines of wa- ters. it And the name of the Star is called Woormwood, there the fore third plrt of the waters was turned into Wormwood; and many men died of the waters, becaufe theywere made bitter. ra Afterward the fourth Angel blew the trumpet, and the third part ofthe Sun was fmitten, and the thirdpart of the Moone,and the third part of the Stars;fo that the third part ofthem was darkned , and the third part of the day was darkned, and likewife ofthe night. 13 And I bebeld,and heard one Angel flying through the midft ofheaven, fayingwith a loudvoice,Woe,Woe, Woe to the inhabitants of the earth,becaufe ofthe founds to come ofthe Trumpet of the three Angels, which [hall blow. The Logicall diftributionof it into parts . He Common Tipe being thus explained, the Silence, Which is proper to thefeventh Trumpet, remaineth : the Whichfor howgreat fpace it lafleth, it is declared, verf r. After that there is agoing on to the enfuingTeriodoftheTrumpets,Whichis contained in the compaffe ofthis feventh Seal, and is diflinguifbed into [even Trumpets. The preparation Whereof is double, Common andSpecial), that is firfi con- fining offeven Angels that are furnifbed With fo many Trumpets, verf. 2. Then ofone other Angell, Who difchargeth the position ofa high Prief , as it appeareth, bothby hisfurniture,in refpeCt ofthe infru- ment and the end, verf. 3. As alfo by his miniflery towards the Elebt, 'verf. And againft the enemies,partly While he cafleth fire upon the earth, partlyWhile he raifeth up voicesfrom thence, and Thunders and a great earthguake,,verf.5. The fpeciall preparation belongs to the [even Angels,fttin themfelves in a readineffe to difpatch the bufineffe com- mittedunto them, verf.6, The execution alfobath bothfomething in it that