C A P.8. I Pevelittionofthe Apocalypfe. 25.9 that is common,that is agiving ofWarning by the blowingof theTram.. pet, as al/o it bathfömethingfngular, to Wit, the proper e3fe11 ofevery blafi, vehich is divided into the four firf%, Which be lighter, and the three lall Which be more grievous. Thofe are handled in the refit- of this Chapter, by their diflinEl members. At the p'rfl blaß, there Was /mile avidfire, verf. 7. At the f coed, a Mountain burning is call into the Sea, verf. $, g. errs the third, a Starfell into the Rin. vers from heaven, verf i o, i i . At thefourth , the third part of the Sun N(mitten, verf. iz. As touching the three lag Trumpets, Which aremore grievous, the common preparationofthem is contained, verf, i 3. Where an Angel flying through the midi! of Heaven doth With amonrnfullvoice denounce more horrible calamities Which are to come out of the Trumpets following. THE EXPOSITION. ANdWhen he hadopened the feventh Seal. So much of the firth Seal;the Seventh followeth, whofe effcc`f that arifeth out of the .pening of it is called afrlence, which is fometimes ufcd for any cea- fing ofa matter: As, Why doye holdyour peace in bringing back the King ? that is, Rand f ill, and do notbe/lirreyourfelve.r, a.Sam. i o. i r. Oftentimes it is oppofed to a tumult, whence we read of the Waves of the Sea that areHill, Pfal. 107. 29. Of which kinde is this frlence here, that was made in Heaven, that is, in the Church upon earth, which is often called by Chriff the kgngd:mof Heaven. The fpace of filence i; as it were halfe an h. oure, that is, very little, that fhould al- moff end as foo re as it fhould begin. By which we are taug.,t,' hat the church fhould afterwards enjoy a happy refl. for Tome 1mall fpace of time afterthat the open enemies thereof fhould be thruff out, and that healthfull a ngel Conflantine thegreat ihiould arife out of the Eatf. For this filence is ovned next unto that fubduing ofthole rurell enemies wherewith the firthChapter was concluded. For the common Type to which the feventh Chapter belonged, Both nothing at all break off the order of things. And indeed fuck an hap- py tranquillity did ffraightwayes fucceed tholefeales. For when as Maxentirm was overcome at Rome by Con/antine ; and Max- iminus by Lycinius in the Eaft, how joyful! a day fhined unto the Church throughout the world ? How great joyfulneffc was there among all degreesof men, howgreat glad nefie, how great triumph? How full ofpleafurewas it to fee the priions tobe fet open,the Chri- ftians to be called backsfrom digging in the Minerals,to which they Mat were