-266 A levelation oftheApocalyfe. C A P. &, werecondemned,to have their feet let lookfrom chaines,their necks fet free from the hatchet ? And not thefe things onely, but tohave an Emperour alfo,Which never before came into the thought ofany mán,no not in a dreame.Who fhould endeavour with all his power tohonour every Chriftian,evenofthemeane(t fort by all meanes that he could. Worthily did Eufebitu triumph, finging in the words of the Pfalmift, Comefee the Works ofGod,What defolations he hath made in the earth, making the Wars to ceafe unto the ends .of the World; he brea,f eth the flowe,andcuttcth thefpeare inpeeces,andburneth the Chariots Withfire, Book h o. i. Both the Emperours at this time, afwell Licinius as Con fantinedid with their joynt endeavours diligently take care, not onely for the Peace of the Church, but even for the Ornaments that belong to, and are fitting for peace ; as it is evident by thofe Pro-. clamations, whichwere fet forth in both their names,Eufe.Book.ia. Chap. 5. &c. But this was but a (hors peace, and indeed buthalfan hour lone. For firft, the empereurs themfelves did fcarce hold con- cord for three yCeres together , and then ftraight after they were reconciled together; did Licinius affault the Chriftians with open force,and indeavour their titter deftruFfion? To this was added that civili war,which burned out between theBifhops themfelves,that were theGovernaurs of the Church,who being free from all fear ofthecom- mon enemy, did rush one upon anotherwith the,dartsofreproachful! words, as ifthey were cloyed with their peace,affoon as they had but tatted the fweetnefs therof even at the tongues end,See Aurei:hitlor. of the Cefirspart. 2. Cufeb. Lib. 'i o. S, y. And upon the life of Con- Jianrine, Book r. at the end, and in the beginning of the fecond. And then fee what we have noted above upon the t. verfe of the 7. Chapter. 2. sflnd I faW tholefeven fingels. So much of the Silence, out of which doth thefecundperiodof the timesproceed,which is diftinguifn- ed from the former,becaufe the beginning of this took his rife out of the end of the Scales. For can the Trumpets anfwer to the Scales, which are brought to their tail end,before that the Trumpets be once fet in a readineffe to blow?Betides, take away the Trumpets from this fevenrh Seal, what (hall we leave it, bùCán halte honres Silence ? which is a poor and (lender pittance, and more-bare and barren then is agreeable to the dignity thereof. I fee that fuch an opinion hath beenalfe9ed by certain learned and godly men , but he that (hall confider the mater diligently, (hall perceive thatit doth plainly ftand agai. the method of the Apocalypfe, The. Heralds ofthis Period are