C A P.8. ,A*eVelatsion ofthe Apocaiypfe. . are (even Angels , that be the Trumpeters. The words _do not rnanifeftly declare whether they were good ones or no. They are faid toftand before God, but this is an indifferent kinde of fpeaking, which may agree to the badas well as to the good ; whereupon Sa- tanPets bimfelf before Gad, together. With thefans ofGod , Iob t . 6. But yet theAnalogie ofthe Beals in the Sea/es, and of the feven Angels, that were the executioners of the vials, whereof each one was clothed in pure linen, Chapter 15. 6. may caufe us to reckon thefe Trumpeters , in the fame number of-the holy ones ; chiefly feeing the Article thefe feven, hath force force in it to note out force that were known before now wehad none other before, unlefíe there be tome pointing at thefe feven [pirits of God, that are fent out into all the Earth, Chap. 5. 6. We have faid, that thofe_four Angels ofthe feventh Chapter are the four fiift Trumpets, but we underftand not the Trumpeters themfelves, but the Events, which followed after that thefe had founded with their Trumpets. Now the members of this `Period, are diftinguifhed by Trumpets, becaufe thefe Events fhould be the more notable, famous, and manifeft to all men, as if they had been rung out with a publike, and Thrill voice.In receivingofwhich there is a certain preparation,beforethey fet upon the worke it felf, becaufe ftraitwaies after this filence was made,there fhould be a rail given ofthe troubles to come, before the heat and rage of them did burne forth: To .which that Schifme be- longed between Cecilian and Donatus of Africa , of whom we fpake before, as allo the. revolting of Licinius , and his wicked attempt agaita the Church, the Contention in the Eaft about the paffeover, but efpecially the contagion of the Arian Herefie. Which afloone as ever it fprung up, began to fly up and down far and neere, and to kindle fo great heart-burnings, that neither the rcoffing at them by the enemies upon the Stage, nor the molt vehement de- fire and careofthe Emperour himrelfe, tefli fled both by his lettersand tearer, andby fending HofiusofCordoba that moll Worthy old man, in Embaffate unto them, couldprevailsnyWhitto quench the flame. E,urebius on the life of Conflantine , Book 2. In his letters. to Alexander and Arius. All thefe things xvere as it were Trumpets in the fight of all meat, being heavy prognoilicates of a terrible blaff to come. 3. Then another Angel came. Hitherto of the preparation of(r- yen Angels ; Now he lheweth what manner of way was made for, the Events to come by one fpeciall Angel. Whom we inufl net Mm z thin':.e.