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6z ./fRevelationofthe Apocalypfe. C A P. 8. thinke to be any Spiriturát fubffance, fuch as are theAngels pro- perly fo called ; as for example, Gabriel, or anyof this for., as the Jefuire will have it but a ma zaccording to the cuttomeofthis Book, in. wliichnothingis more ufiiall, then to give the nameofan Angel tomen. B'efidesthis, heaven is the holy Church upon earth ; the Al tar is the mofjrinward holy place thereof, his Miniffery is that ofthe High.Priet, which Angels fo properly called do never exercife, but the truth whereof belonged' to-Chrift'alone, the Type pertaii eth to menonly, whohave a nature fit to offer a Sacrifice, wherein the ftin- &ionofra Pri,ftis chiefly converfant,which nature feeing Angels are void, of, they cannot beareany rep refentation ofa Trieft. Neither is this office given to them any where in the Scriptures. Be des, this Minifl:ery was; performed before theThrone, where there is no place for Angels,bu.rroundabout the Throne ,and the Eiders- -,and theReaft: Whereby we aregiven tounderffand, that they compaffe about the outmoft circuit of the Church, watching on every fide of ir, for the prefervation thereof,whatfoever is within:that circuit, is the Highft Throne,the Lammb,the.Beafts, the Lamps, the Chryftall Sere, the Altar, &c.'Whereofthere is neceffary ufe in the a(fembly of the faithful]. I doubt not rherfore, but this Angel is the fame with thar,that was faid in theformer Chapter to afcend from therifsngoftheSetn,namely,Con- ftantine the Great. For that which there is faid fumma'rily that he kept the foure Angels from doing mifchiefe,feemeth to be explained in this place particularly,after what manner, and by what meanes it was done. Andhefloodbefore theAltar. The Greek is, 4t the Altar, Morita . nns,on the altar ;. all inanemeaning. It will be manifeft afterwards, Chap r.t r. I. That the Church' about this time, did remove into the Temple,and hid it fellwithin the fecret places thereof: wherefore he is here worthily faid tojbandbefore the altar, teeing he wastheprin- cipal! of thofe,who being efcaped out ofthe corruptions ofthe World, went.aide into the hidingplace within t'teTemple. But yet he flood not in this place, as one of thecommon fort of the faithfull, but in the grayofthe highPrieft, having a golden('enfer, andmany odoursgiven untohim,that he might sffer themWith the prayers ofthe Saints. How can thefe things agree to Conftstntine,may fame fay ? Namely,as being aType ofthe highPrieft, lefus Chrift, whole perfon to bearc, is not now proper to.anycertain kinde ofmen,but common to all the faith- full, all whomChrif hathmade Pries, not fecondary, but chiefe. Put why fbouldnot he efpecially carry the ImageofaPrieft,in whom the