CA P. S. fl el:elationof the Apocalypfe. 2,63 the I adowing out of the Reg-all. dignity did chiefly Thine forth ? Well loth he fpeakof himfelfe, being in an alfembly of the Biíhops. And I, faithhe, am; here prefent, as being one of your company : For f Would not denymyfelfe to be yourfello4èrvant, it being that 11'hercln I doe chiefly rejoyce, tocrat. Booke i. Chapt. 7. .Having a goldenCenrer. The Greek word that doth properly fig- nifie inccn,4, is here takn for the cenfer it felfe, wherein it is offered, as is manifett out of the fifthverfe,where the Conferis°tilled out of the fire ofthe altar; now the golden C'enfer Was a veffell ufed in the holy of holies, Hebr. 9. 3. and belongedonly to the high Prieft. e,nd there was odours given him. Thise/Ivtgel therefore is not Chr. ft, who Both not take odours from another, elfewherc, buthe himfelf being a molt rich, and abundant treafure of all graces, doth give liberally to every one as-isneedfull.Thefe odeurs are that ample, bothpower and delire ofmakingpeace,whichwasthe end of the Prieft- hood,andofburning odours before God. For which caufe the'Lord is faid tofinellafweet favour,Whenhe accepteth ofa Sacrifice, Gen .8.2 t. That he might offer themWith `Prayers. llhefe things a re. fpokcn according to the ancient cuftome of the Temple, where, when the Prieft burned fweet odours within upon the golden Altar, the whole people did in the meantime tarrywithout,givingthemfelves toprayer, as, I. io. hod- the wholemultitude of thepeople prayed Without, dsa- ring the time of burning ineenfe. Whence it is, that that thing is faid to be given toprayers, which was ofold wont tobe joyned together withthem at the fame inftant : Now theprayers of the Saints are the godly wifhes of the faithftell, who didvery greatly delire that fome remedy might he fpeedily procured againft the imminent evils,which they faw to be betokened by many forefhewing lignes. For could it be that fincere mindes, feeingcontentions, quarrels, andheartburnings to be offorce every where,and to make havock of all things,Imearïe thofe,which right nowWe.lbeWed to comeprefently after the halfehonres filence, fhould not ftrive earneftly with God, that hee would net fuffer that- truth which had triumphed over the tyrannie of the ene- mies, tobe overthrowne by the diffentions and wranglings of thofe that profcffed to be of the houftold of faith ? Now what other meanes could there be of ftaying ftrife and controverfies, but to gather together the parties that difagreed among themfelves, and after a friendly difcuffing of matters on either fide to and fro, to draw them unto one judgement by a commodious de- termieation ? This