C A p.8. A (Revelation ofthe Apocalypfe. 265 When the lamps Were lighted, Exod. 30.7,9. >.Whofe thick vapour might pierce through thevaile,and fo might fill the whole innermoft Holy place with a moff pleafant perfume, which was a vifibie token of our prayers, that pierce the heavens, and doe fetch that whichwe aske fromGod, by means of their pleafant fmell, which they breath out through Chrift , whence the Pfalmift faith , let my prayer bedire- tled before thee as incenfe,'Pfal. i 40.-a. Thefmoke then of the incenfe afcendeth, when our prayers comming into the fight of God, doe ob- taine that for us, which wee asked according to his will. Nowwhen theholy men defired that fome way might be taken coffin and com- pote the frrife, by callingof a Conncell,we are taught in thefewords, that that which they fo longedafter, was at length granted them. For Conflantine Peeing that he tryed other remedies in vaine, calleth Councelat Nice, biddeth the Bifhops take Hodes that were prepa- red for publick ufe, and to come altogether at the day appointed. Who being at length gathered together , he doth moil exhort them to the care and delire of feeking afterpeace. Hee heareth thofe that difpute againfk the Truth with equity, and to conclude Both manage the whole bufines with fuchgravity and wifdome , that at length the ungodly blafphemy was condemned by common confent, and the Holy truth prevailed. By which fanof his, a thicke cloud of odours afcended out of the hand of the Angel before God,to wit, when by means of his care, labour, diligence, charges, and guidance of the whole matter, a thing fo wholfome, and behoofefull to all the Godly, fomuch alto defiredof them all,was undertaken, begun and finifhed. Now did Conflantine let a leale upon the Elea in their foreheads. Whereby they might be difcerned from the wicked rout of the lhereticks. Coaflantinetherfore is this eífneel, the odaursgi- ven him, Which hee fhouldput to the prayers of the Saints,is the power of calling the Councell. The áolden e fltar is Chri/l himfelfe in the middeft of this Holy Affembly, the thicke cloudof odours afcendint, is the whole matter brought moft happily to effc . And this is that time till which the foue Angels did make a Truce, of which, Ch.7.t. With theprayers of the Saints. The Greeke hath the word pray- ers in the ;. or 4. cafe without any addition ; fo that perhaps there may be a wanting of a participle, and not of thep repofition, With, as if the full fentence were. And the [make of the odours afcended; Which Were ¡iven to theprayers ofthe Saints,the verbe being thusfet- ched hackfrom the formerver. where it was read thus, that he might Jive