C Ap.8. 4Kevelatiori of the Apocalypfe: forged cavillations. Which being here fummarily noted by voices, thunders and lightnings, are after in order and particular explained in the foremoft of the Trumpets. This then that was holy,and whol- fome to the godly, turned to the greater deftrueion, and provocati- on to the wicked. ,Ind there Was Thunders and voices. Some Books have voices and Thunders. Aretas . hathonly Thunders, and lightnings , voices and earthquakes being left out. In femme, thefe words note out what fruit redounded to the wicked world from that Councel. Now Thun- ders and voices feeme to be here put two for one; That is,forfoundinf andcracking Thunders,as Ier.4.29. Let them come into the clouds, and afcend into the rock, that is, into rocks that feeme to be as high as the clouds, unldle voices be perhaps, here the fame that they were, Chap.4,5 6. And thefever angels that had, mac. Here wee have the fecond preparationof the (even angels, which doe now fet upon the bufines, whereof there was force inckling given before when the Trumpets were lentout. For thefe things are fpcikenof the workwhetì it was about tobe accomplifhed , as the Wife of the Lambe is /aid toprepare herfelfe in the timeof her very marriage , : as afterwards we (hall fee, Chap. t9.ß., Now thereforewhen the prifons.are fet open,thofe evils fhould breakforth,which did all this while:make a,fl irreand tumult in the innermoft and privy clofet of theirbreaffs ; the foure firft are defcribcd in this Chapter, and thole indeed .much lighter then the three Taft, and thereforewee (hall fee , that though they invade the earth ina certaine kind of order in blowing, yet that they doe alcc- gether preffe in and upon men, being only diftinguifhed by certaine fmáll {paces of time tobegirrin. Theyprepared them elves to blow. This blowingof the Trumpet, feemethnot to be a voice declaring untòychn alone, that is,the Elea in the Church , the evill that was to come , fuch as were that of the Beggs inthe firlt Pales ; but it feemeth to be the mariner of Gods working, that doth fo notably beginmatters by his holy angels, that by thole beginnings , as it were by an alarum all kind of menmight be awakened, to confider of the firft arifìngs of matters. Many things doe fo by little and little,and fo clolely creep inuponmen,that they deceive there as they fpring up, and are not perceived before . that they come to fumegrowth:but herethe beginnings fhould be fo notable,& eafìe to be feen ofevery one,that their próceedingsfhowld not overtakeanyman, but fuch an one, who would have of his own N n ac- mw.