268 ,fl'qe)elationofthe Apocalypfe. C A r.8, accord fall afleep. And yet the founding of a Trumpet, doth rather lfrike thehearer with aaonilhmeit and fear, then beget any know- ledge in him. And fo indeed it cometh to paflè, that the further we proceed, the more obfcure will the judgernents be of the Events. In theSedes , the Eeaft's called upon ?An to come and fee. In the Trumpets never "a word is fpoken, only a great found is made. In the Vials fcarce any node is made, but only filch as liquor poured out of a Potcan make. Certainly , as long as faith andgodlinelh were in their vigour, as they were in thofe firít times , the lead warnings of judgement did rauze up the Church, but in thefe laft dayes , wherin wickednefs cloth every where getfuch head,we let paffe even the greattft of Gods works with eyes and ears clo "'d and flopped up, which carelefnefle of ours, God doth both point ar,and reprove by this obfcurity of the fgnes thus increafing. For there is not lellè light offered , through any want of perfpicuity in God, but only to taxe our fecurity, that was to fhew it felfe in time to.come.' 7. So the firfl angel bleb the Trumpet.All this being now accom- plifhed, which did make a thy of matters till new , at length the eAng'ls found the Trumpets; At the fira Waft, a double effedt ifl'aed, theftrff aJhoüver of hails and fire, a fecondary one, a burning of the trees, and of thesrafe. The baffle coming from heaven and with a great node betokeneth a. mighty evill, which fhouldcome wit h,great violence from thofe that be of thehoufhold of the Church, -;t leali rrs outward profeflion , upon their own heads. And the fire ninled With blood,declareth the fervency, and increafe of the fame evill,even to the fh;dding of blood. Nowwe mutt remember, that thefe evils are brought to this combuaion, by means of thofe fiery coals of the Altar, which is here very plaine. For the rnifchiefe was not long brewing,but in the mica of the Nicenefathers,thefirj Angel blew his Trumpet. For thofe holy men , had fcarce confirmed the truth with their common confent,. after they had diligently weighed and dtfcuf ed matters,but this haile began to rufh in, and to keepe a mar- ' ellotrs bluffering. Certaine Biihops . beingaltogether Citizensof the Earth, pretending that they were offended with certaine words of the confeffion , but indeed being fet on firewith the coals of the Altar, indeavonred to hinder,& with all their might to ffand againft the common content of the Councel.Thefe were Enfebius the Bifhop of Nicomedia,Theognis ofNiee,Maris ofCbalcedon,Theona ofMor- ns aria,& Secsrndzss ofPtcleaais,who cavilling at the word eseffential, would neither afl nt to the refl , as touching the faith ; neither yet would