Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

CAP. 8. A?tevelation of the ApocaIypfe. 269 would fubfcribe to the condemning OfArtus.1his was a notable ori- ginal of the Haile,which a lit,le after fell more abundatitly.For after that E'rajebiud andTheognta, by fayning a change of their opinion,had recovered their former dignity, they bent their ftudies , onlyupon this one thing , how to thruft through the Nicenefaith by the fides of 814-thanapts. And like men that were their crafts-mafters,theyt did focunningly carry matters that there never were times more tur- bulent, throughmoft impudently,forged tales,ílanders,lies,& through unjolt vexations,as that Athana f us hadki:lled e 4nfrniacs, hadravifed hie hojtcfie, hadcraftily conveyed.iWay the provifion of food, that Was fent from conf.tntinopP, hadfurnifbeda feditioua confpiratar With mo- ney. What record can yeeld examples oflike impudency? The good- lye.rierianTilhopt cat out Euftatiur of Antioch from his place, be- caufe hewas one of the found faith,alledging againft hilt,, that-ahar- lot avouched hee had had filthy company with her. Neither._were thefe things doneclofely, &in private,but to the intent we might take notice of the mighty node ofthis baile with frequent Synode,running up and down from far countries, even fromThracia, andA/=xanalri,r, into Syria; With wicked accufations and appeals unto the Emperonr, abrogations of the wicked opinions, and again with the reftabl Th- ing of the fame, fo that the whole Eat , had bufnes enough made from this matter, and did on all fides ring out with the node of this fhower. But the tumult flayed not here, Conft,,ntius the fon of t,onfantine mingled the haeile 14 ith blood. He banifhed many, and many bee put to death. How inhumane a fact was thar,rhat he with torturing com- pelled that reverend old man floJi es of C'orduba, whom his Father had fo honoured,to silent to the wicked opinion. ? But the favagenefs of Valens doth ahinoft exceed all credit, wherewith the Church was wafted round about on every fide,thefaithfull were call down head- long into the River Growl's, and all kindof death vas cruelly infli- fled upon them. And verely that chip wherein he commanded four- fcore worthy men to be burnt upon the fea, under a pretence o` fen- ding them into exile,was a mote horrible device,then that !hip for the nonce made eafie to be looted in the joynts , which Nero deviled, wherein to destroy his own mother. And fo the Bilbops,who were wont of old togoe beyond all men in conféancy and patience, did now in procefs oftime flrive to excel! the heathenifhTyrants in cru- elty. What flaughters did Macedonius make through the whole Eaf, Gorge al o&Luciano at tllexandria? It were too long to rehearfeall, Nu a in