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Ì, eve/at on oftbè Apocalyrpfe. r . ina. word the former times of calamity 'returned againe üpon'the Church, the enemies name onely being changed. For thofe ancient enemies were Heatbens,thefe painted,andfainedChri/fians Certain- ly thehaile that fell from the skies about thefe times,beingof.a won- derfùll and exceulive bignef e, did moit plainly declare,what was the ftate ofmatters now ; therefelldoWnhaile that ,Wouldfill a mans hand, very like in oignefre togreat Bones, every one Whereofleasfitch as a man couldgripe and hold With his hand, its Socrates faith, 'Booke 4.: i o. And then it feeniethdidGregory Nazianzen make that Oration,.which bath this Ti tle, when as his father Was forced to kZeepflcnce, becaufe of that calamity that hapnedby meanes of thehailer ç/Ind they Were cafiz upon theEarth, and the thirdpareofthe earth Was burnt up. Thus doth Aretas; the vulgarLatin, and certainé.other Bookes read ; And it feèmes it should be fo read; both that the greatneflèof the evillmight be the more perceived, as alto that thole things which follow might be the more eafily underfood, this firfk which is the chiefe being once laid downe. He cometh now to the fecond effeií; which onely damnified the Wicked. When as the fealed ones werewell enough protecded in the nieane time from themifchiefe thereof. For, faith he they Were caf upon the earth, which we have taught to fignifie earthlymen, thatare altogether given tofeeke'for the things of this life. But this thower did not raine upon the whole earth, but onely upon a third part of it., Now he calleth it a thirdpart after the common manner, difri buting the whole earth into three parts. This third part was the Eaft',that is,.gfisr, and theplaces adjoyning; as for Europe and Africk, they rather heard ofit then felt ir. ]sirens and Vrfatizu,the one being BiJhhop orthepeople ofMurfa inTanonia, the other upper, endeavour tofpread this poifon into ,thefe parts,_but the Lord di graciously keep it within the bounds of the third parr, left the fame defiru, iot# at once overwhelming the whole Church, fhould utterly rainate ir. And the third part of the trees Was burnt.up ; Treeshere are thole men that are nourühed upon that Earth, which he fpake of even now,and among thefe,fuchas be the {} ronger and taller,that over-top the ref,' : as Chap.. i, Now thegreen orafe figuifieth,thenee -Sorne babes of the Church, and the common multitude. Now this tempert feemeth to rage moregrievoufly againft the Graffe then the Trees. For the thirdpart onely of thofe is fet on ere, but the wholegra ffe is burnt