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18 ,flevelattonofthe-Apocalyfe. C A P. 1. énd do interpret the meaning of A. and O. ofwhich, that, is the firft letter'of the GreekAlphabet, this, the laft,by a figurative fpeechthey are applyed to any beginning and end. They are words that do plain- ly liignifie certainorder and relationof Chril to the creatures. For which caufe, they cannot properly note out an Eternity, which is an ;Volute matter,and not to be meafured by the creature in any re- f ect. This is therefore the meaning, I am alpha andOmega, that is, theeffìcentcaifeof all thing, and the end alto, whitherall things are referred; who have at the firft created all things , and that for mine own glory alone. It is a compendious exprefsing of that which the wife man faith : The Lordhath made all things for himfelf, even the Wickedman for the day of evill, Prov. IS: 4. The confiant truthofGod in hispromifes, is declared by the diftribution of the three-fold time, as we have fhewed, verf. 4. His omnipotent' in the end of the verfe feems tobelong tothat fiipremepower of governing, all things athis pleafure,wherem his incomprehenfible Majeftie (hi- neth forth no.leffe, then it did in the firft framing of all things. For this íheweth that his ftrength was not quite fpent in his firft work, but that it doth continue in thevigourofit for everwithout any im- parting, as the which never waxeth faint withany wearifomneffe,nei. theroppreffed with any over-great weight ofbufineffes, but beyond all force ofa created miede, doth hold out infinitely more then e- nough for difpatehofall matters. Such is he from whom the com- mandment to write proceedeth,being the molt powerful! Creator, the moft faithful! Promifer,and the highefi Governour of all things. g I7ohn : The perfon alfoofhim that is called "bath great mo- ment for the credit ofthis Book. I ohn the A otle,brother, andfelloW onofflittion, beingbanified intoPathmosfor the wordof god, in(jiired from God infpirit on the Lords day. What would this man relate, that werenot ofmofi certain truth ? And ix the fufering of Iefns Chri.f. The vulgar, and in thepati- ence ofyefus Chrifl , fo alto, Mont-arms : The interpreter of Aretas,. by Chrifi Iefsis, The fence is little or nothing changed from thence, whether we readby way ofconfiruc4ion,as Theod. Be.ta, or as thefe men doby aprapofition. All tendhither, that the communionofthe faithfnll, (be it either in the Croffe or the Crown) doth depend upon Chrift alone,as the ground and foundation thereof.But we midi take heed left with the Jefuit,we interpret thefe words, in Chrifl 7e- ,for Chrifl Iefus, or becaufe of Chrifi fetus, to exp reffethe finali carafe of the fufferings. For fo tjie communicating of the King- dom