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22. A 1evelatton of the Apoca1ypfe, C A P. i s Cj,tlatia. in thispart of the world flourifiedonce, thefe fevenmolt renowned cities,being put in this place inRead of the whole church among the Gentiles. As touching Epbefus , it is a molt noble Citie lying by theforeof the Icarian Sea, not farre from a river inLydia ca lied C'ayfier, the head Citieof Ionia,the greateft matting place of all Afia within the Mountainof Taprus,much prayfed and fpoken of for the Ter1 le of `Diana rnct noble in renown among Chriltians, for Pau/s three years holy labours there, Aft. 19 zo. and 20.31. For that divine epfileofhis Written to thatpeople, for Timothy that Was oiven them to be theirTafour, andfor the mops' happyWatering it had in Tatter timesfor many yearsby the Apefle 7ohn;Smyrna, a Citiealto of Ionia by the fea-fide , on the Northfide of-Bphefus, dif'tant from thence 3 zo. furlongs, an under-citie of the Ephefians, with whoreof ancient time they dwelt together, that was fometimes of great wealth andpower, and hath a Iurifdichon in certain nigh-adjoyning Cities, even as ephefses al ó, wherein themeetings of the cities that are Cub jedunto it were made , as Pliniewriteth, Book.5. Chap, z9. Pergamus, is a cine of e/£olia on the North of Smyrna , very renowned , and having the Principalitie among the Medi- etrranean cities , fometimes the feat of the Kings of Attalia , which at length carne into the Romans hands who were made heirs of it by will from Attains the fall of that name and race., who turned the countrey into a Province, and called it Afia,,by the name of the. Continent, as devouring doubtleffe in hope that whole part of the worldby this small beginning, as if Attalus had bequeathed unto themby 'I'eframent,not only Pergamu,but all A/ia alfc whence, if I be not deceived ,. came the firft diflindion of the Lefler Afia. Thyatiro is the furthermoft citie.of.the Myjians, a Colo- n% of the Macedonians towards the South of Pergamus , to whole jurifdidion alto it belongeth. Of old it was called of Seleucus the fonneof NicatorThyeateyra , becaufe of the joyful! news that was brought himof a daughter borne unto him. Lydia the Purple-feller, of whommention is made, A. 16. 14. was a Citizen of this Citie, though a dweller atThilippi as it feemeth.Sardis is`diflant from Ter- gamus.,ISrhWard about fix hundreth furlongs ; It was fometimes the-Court-of the Lydian, and was madehappy by reafon of the rich Mountain Tmolus, and the gold-bringingRiver Taptolus, which deth by the territories thereof ; In the latter ages it was of great power and dignity, being made the head-citie of jurifdidion, -which taketh the name thence, and is called Sardinia ; Plin, ook 5. 29. Phi-