Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

z6 4 «Pelatioñofthe Apocalypfe. C A i..1. . graceAt this time , fhorild remove the girdle from the loins to the _paps,thusneedy and itraitiy tying and binding thefe garments toher felie by true faith ofheart, thatfo they might not flip or hang loofly and fcatteringly about her. 14. His headandhaired. Garments and girdle are common to all themembers, in the head and the hayre there is a certain diftribution ofparts, whereofthe one refpec9:eth thofe that have Rule and Au- thority in the Chriliian Congregations, andare as it were heads un- to them. The hairs note out the common fort,which dependeth on theholy Teachers,drawing nourifhment and garnifhing from them, giving them likewife comelineffe and defence. Roth of them are white,that is,flouriihingin the (even Churches, or rather in the firif . fche levenChurches with a fìngular purity : for we fhall fee that this order ofthe membershath reference after a fort to the order of the Churches. Although thofe things which are here fpoken of in thelaf} place, are given in the Epiales to the firff. Which invert- ing of the order , teacheth that thefe properties do fo chiefly agree to forceof them, that theymay be applyed as occafìon ferveth to others .alto. But this whitene9'e is of wool! and Snow; ofthat, for the fimplicity of conditions, wherewith the faints are indued, who are every where called theep; and not unworthily , j feeingotr Head is a Lambe; of thin, becaufe. this purity and whitenefle is not e àrall, but that which fhehathcomingfrom another. For Wool' naturally is defiled with greafe, and is full of duff and many other pollutions, but being wailed thor , wly in the molt chrvftall Fountain of Chrifts Righte- oufneíle, it paffeth the fnow, or whattoever excelle::h in the glory of whiteneffe. So much doth there lie in this,to feek, for Righteouf- neffe, not,in oucfelves, but in another, that the Holy Ghoft doch not fatisfy himfelf in the fimilitude of a Garment alone, but he joy- neth unto it this of the fnow, and many other waies he hath to exprcfle it inother pla ces,fhewing how fair he would,and howmuch it concerneth us, that on every fide this dothine fhould found in our tares. emendWs eyes as a flange offare. Preventing the darkneffe; as from the which no miff can take away fight,which kindeofeyes did chiefly Thine out in the rrft of the Seven Churches, in which we (hail fee the truth to have glittered fo.cieerejy ,.that no fraud -of the heretikes could obfcure it. All. their vain,thewes were confumed like nub- ble with thefe fiery, eyes, or elfe. like waxen vayles did ftraight.- waies