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28 .ei ebelattonofthe Apocalypfe. CAF. 1. before time after this manner. In Ezekiel ;theirfeet are like Jbinixg braffe,ch.a.7. of glittering bra (re al] ,in Daniel, As touch- ing that in the Poet Orpheur,iet the learned confider whither Chat- colibanws, unto Apollo may not be an Image made ofthe braffeof Li- kanon to the honour ofApollo; as if he thould fay, that hewould with this verfeofhis,as it were make a ftatue untoApollo, made of molt preciousbraffe ? They were wont of old time to confecrate other thingsbefidesfrankincenfe to their Gods,accordingto which cuftome Synefius a Chritkian Poet callethhis Hymnes, Garlands &Nofegaies, Iheremake thee a Garl, indpickedfrom out of thefeopen c-wholefortt me- doWes.Hym.3. Such therfore is this fine brafle.Now the feet burning in thefurnace,declare theSpoufe to be affkifted in the churches ofSmyr- xa,and Pergamus,and Thyarire, whichyet fhould receive no damage by this affiidion, but fhould continue invincible with firmeneffe like to that ofbraffe, fhould alto thine out more brightly by means of the fire. The vulgar latine readeth Aurichalcum, for Chalcholibanus.The Iefuit, as his manner is, that he might cover over the errour with Tomeprobable reafor,thinketh that the old interpreter did firfi turn itChalcolibanus, as it is in the Greek, and that afterwards the word was corrupted by the Printers, or Tome rude fmatterers ira the tongues. But what needs this defence; why did not the old in- terpreter follow here as alwaies he doth the belt copies, if the Greek 'copies be ,corrupted ? Fondly is that brought to the Rule which is righter then the Rule it felf. But the force of truth maketh the man that difputeth a;ainftit, like one out ofhis little wits,tofpeak contraries. Andhis voice like the voiceofmany Waters. This fhilitude is or- dinary, and noteth out almoft every where a mighty tumult. In this Book it is ofa more full fignification, declaring betides the greatneffe of the ;fife, a certain unperceiveable notion ofthings, that I may fo call it. Such as is the difordered and confuted roaring of waters, that beating together with contrary waves, and ruching inupon thePoore or rocks, make a mighty noife, and yet onecannot diffina- ly perceive, what all that noife meaneth : Such fhould be by means of Chrifts government, the voice of Chrifb in thofe Churches, in which the feet fhould be like to fine braffe burning. The truth fhould be a certain unfavoury thing, without any pleafant tafte of wifcdom unto the Heathen men, that tlsouldkeep even in the molt pwe Church of Ephefus, neither thould it found any otherwife in their,ears, thenharfh and Barbarous, CorneliusTacitrsr ealleth the dodriaie